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Previously on Chapter Sixteen

Just as you were going to reply, he threw his hand up, signalling you to stop. "You know what, I don't even give a rats ass about you. You can go get fucked for all I care, go bungee jumping without the cord... for. all. I. fucking. care."

You heard a commotion on the other side of the door, sounding like three guys yelling at each other.

Ignoring it, you try to walk away.

The noise of laughing made you face him again.

That's when you blacked out.

Last thing you remember was a knife getting thrown in your direction and Chucky going into doll mode, sitting on the ground.


You woke with a grunt, beads of sweat covering your forehead. 

Your face was pressed against something hard, laying on your stomach with your hands tied together along with your feet. 

Growing uncomfortable, you try to shift around but your body jerks forward, hitting the inside.. 

of the car. 

You take a minute to try and catch your breath.

Scrunching your facial features, you finally turn to lay on your back. 

There was a window in the trunk you were in, and it was clearly nighttime still. 

Every time the car would pass a street light, it would flash right in your eyes, triggering your headache more. 

Biting down on the bandit that was in your mouth, you felt tears roll down the sides of your face as you stare up at the ceiling of the car. 

There were earbuds plugged in your ears playing the song "Paparazzi" by Kim Dracula

The environment around you was muted, you could only hear the song playing on repeat. 

The song triggered more tears as your heart began aching. 

You didn't know getting Chucky would cause you a fair share of problems. 

Accepting your fate, you close your eyes and allow this song to be the last one you hear. 

Opening your eyes immediately as you feel the car come to a stop, your breathing becomes quick. 

The trunk fully open and that's when you see three guys in leather jackets hovering over you. 

Scanning their faces, you finally look to the one on the far right who was holding the Chucky doll.

Before realizing that was the doll you had, the guy on the left ripped the earbuds out of your ears, "You better get him to talk-" he snatched the doll from the guy on the right before throwing the doll on top of you. "-Not like it will change your fate." the three guys shared the same smirk before the middle one shut the trunk. 

Before you got the chance to take a breath, the trunk opened once again. 

This time it was just the guy that was on the right, he gave you a different look from the other's. "We know Chucky is real and that you have him. We're offering a trade but you need to cooperate appropriately, okay? Get the doll to reveal himself and you can be on your way. I personally don't like to see anyone get hurt." 

Not able to reply, he plugged the earbuds back in your ears before shutting the trunk on you. 

Remembering you and Chucky's last argument, you knew he would have no mercy for you. 

You lift your head up to look at Chucky, giving him pleading eyes. 

You jumped as you saw him put a finger over his lips, telling you to keep quiet. 

He got off of you and sat on his knees beside you. 

You studied him, wondering what he was going to do. 

He reached over and took one of your earbuds out before leaning over to you and whispering "Don't worry, Doll. Let me do what I do best." 

He put the earbud back in, but stayed close to your face for about five seconds. 

Pulling away from you, he reached into his pocket and that's when you see him pull out a syringe full of God knows what. 

You shook your head rapidly as your eyebrows came together in concern. 

He mouthed "It will all be over soon." before sticking the needle into your arm. 

You felt the liquid flow throughout your veins. 

Looking over to him, you see him smirk as you come in and out of consciousness. 

Your head fell back as the song faded, you blacking out for the second time now. 


Yo, I'm tired as hell. Then again, when am I not? I literally only update at like... 1-5 in the morning-

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