08.05-05/08-Eating only onions for 24h: How many onions does it take to kill...

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The  floor where the cells were located was almost indistingushable from the other sheer endless hallways of white. If it weren't for the guards patrolling and the subtle red dots of hidden cameras inside the corners of the rooms, one could easily mistake them for the rooms provided to more welcome guests.
Dr. Amon stopped in front of a door with a red lit lock, and tapped on the wall three times in quick succession. It became translucent, and Annus flinched. Anti was standing mere inches away from the wall. staring at them with empty eyes.
    »He's been doing this since he arrived here,« Dr. Amon explained in a hushed voice. »We assume it's some sort of mind game, and he's trying to freak us out.«

»You would be correct with that,« Anti responded with a cold, raspy voice. »I know it works.« He leaned in even closer, until his nose was touching whatever invisible field was seperating them. »I can smell your fear.«
Seeing him up close, they realized how bad their friend looked. The once elegant green suit was torn and dirty, the sleeves carelessly ripped up and thrown away. The formerly white vest stained by mud and dried blood, some of which seemed to be his own.
Despite everything, he seemed horrifyingly calm. Like a predator silently waiting until the prey started running. »I want an Onion,« he said in a monotone voice.
    »Excuse me?«
»An Onion. Do you not have Onions in Atlantis?«
     »Again? You just-«
»I am hungry.«
Dr. Amons scales rustled in confusion. He gave a nearby guard a nod. Annus stepped up to meet Antis gaze. »What are you planning?«
»Marvins body can only take so much. He feels what I feel. Every wound. Every sleepless night. Every taste.« He licked his dry lips. »A myriad of sensations, all day long, completely unfiltered. A human soul won't be able to hold on to it's body forever. Not after already giving up the drivers seat.«
       »He refuses treatment.« The doctors tail curled up in discomfort. »His injuries aren't lethal, but if they don't heal properly, there could be complications.«
»The flesh is weak, huh?« A coarse laugh turned into a cough. »What do we do now?« His eyes fixated on Unus. »Save your friend, save me. Kill me, Marvin dies too. If you heal me, I will escape. Your. Time. Is. Running. Out.« With every word, his index finger moved from left to right like a ticking clock.

»We need to get him out of there.« Unus' voice almost matched Antis in calmness. »The sooner the better. I'll go talk to Mr. Da Vinci. We need progress with the Argentum.«
The returning guard stepped out of his way and handed Dr. Amon an onion. The lizardman put his finger on the lockpad with a sigh, and handed the onion through the force field. Anti grabbed his arm. The doctors finger twitched, but before anything could happen, Anti took the onion from his hand and let it go. »You almost took the finger off the pad this time, Doctor. Would you really sacrifice your hand to keep me contained? I feel honored.«

Without hesitation and without breaking eye contact, Anti bit into the onion as if it were an apple. Annus clenched his teeth. He probably should check if Unus needed some help.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2022 ⏰

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