18.03 - 03/18 - Unus Annus carves the roast beast

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For a moment, they did not move. Unus's head was still spinning, as was the world around him. He kept still until the uneasy feeling on his guts subsided.
When his vision calmed down, he was greeted with the sight on an large open field. Grey clouds covered the sky, and the air felt like it hung somewhere between fall and winter.

»What happened?« Annus groaned, pressing his hand against his head.
»We're out,« Unus heard himself say. They had made it. So why wasn't he happy? Exhaustion hit him like a ton of bricks. Everything had happened so fast.
»Where's Dark?«
   »I don't know. At the moment, I'm more concerned about Anti and Blank. I doubt they won't follow us soon.«

Annus slowly spun around himself. The pale brown field seemed to stretch out endlessly, all the way to the mountains looming on the horizon. He wrapped his jacket around him, holding it closed with crossed arms. »Where are we?«
Unus shook his head. » I have no idea.« Too late, he realized that they blindly jumped through, without a single clue where the portal might lead. If they were lucky, this was the real world, if not, they might have been spat out to a place on the furthest reaches of the multiversal planes. Worst of all, there was no Gupti or Marvin to ask.

He searched for something to orient himself, and his eyes stopped when they saw a faint glow in the distance. Annus squinted when he pointed it out. »Looks like there could be people there. Should we check it out?«
One one hand, they had no idea who these people where or how they would react to them. On the other hand, the alternative was standing in an open, freezing field, so there wasn't really a choice to make.
They soon came across a footpath, which led to a narrow brick road. It seemed to lead straight towards the glow.

They froze when a humanoid shape appeared in the distance. It seemed to be walking towards them, and Unus instinctively clenched his fist. The figure was clad in a cowboy styled hat and a long, dark brown leather coat. The man stopped a few feet away from them, mustering them with sharp eyes. They reminded Unus of an eagle.
  »More strangers, eh? Quite a busy day, even for Arrabal«
»Arrabal?« Unus repeated. The man nodded, taking his hand off the silver revolver on his hip. »Aye. You folks ain't from 'round here, are you? Arrabal de Chat's the town behind me. Most people just call it Arrabal though. Name's Christopher Hansen, by the way.«
»I'm Unus, and this is my friend Annus,« he introduced them. »We just arrived here. It's a long story.«
   »If hope you know that if it has to do something with the bright flash from earlier, you gotta tell it the whole town.«

»As long as there's food and a warm room, we'll tell it as often as we need,« Annus shivered.

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