11.01 - 01.11 - Mark and Ethan go Casket Shopping

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»That's Dark?«
    Unus nodded, looking over to the woman tied to the chair. Dark lifted his hand from the armrest, wiggling his fingers.
   »Then why does he look like Pamela Horton?«
»I borrowed Celines body. Don't tell me you've never heard the term friends with benefits?«
   »Nobody asked you,« Unus snapped.

»Easy there, big guy.« Dark raised his palms in a defensive motion. »I don't mean any harm. We'll, I do, but I can't. How'd you even get this bracelet of fuck-me-specifically?«
   Unus shook his head, but ignored him otherwise.
»What are we gonna do with him?« Annus asked, his eyes wandering over the ropes with scepticism.
   »We should wait for Marvin. I
Maybe he'll be able to get something out of him.«

»Ah yes, the Mage.« Dark chimed in. »Of course he had something to do with it.« He shook his head.
»By the way, Annus, I love what you did to your hair. Oh, and no offense, but the white suit makes you look kinda...« he blew up his cheeks.
   »Can we shut him up?«

Dark really disliked being unable to talk. There was just something about it that was as unpleasant as fingers being dragged across a chalkboard. Sure, being tied up and deprived of your powers wasn't exactly his idea of a nice Sunday afternoon either, but being unstable to make noise was just....Ugh.
He looked over to Unus, was leaning against the door. Sadistic. Forcing someone who's motto was 'If you can't beat them, annoy them' to shut up was plain sadistic.

The real torture began when boredom hit. Unus and Annus were as fun to watch as a bunch of dead flies, and he could do absolutely nothing strapped to this goddamn chair.
Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into days. Days into weeks. Or at least that's what it felt like, until Marvin finally came in trough the door.
It seemed as if he'd get some action at last.
»Good work,« Marvin said, facing Unus. He walked over to Dark, looking at him from every angle. When their eyes met, a coolness ran down Darks spine. There was something just above Marvin's cornea. Like a thin film of moisture, blurrying the image of his iris. Barely noticeable, but definitely there.
A sharp pain stabbed his left arm, and he drew in air through his teeth. It didn't make any noise.

He looked downwards. A glass vial, encapsulated by a golden syringe, stuck out of his arm. Marvin waited for it to fill with an unbothered expression.
He pulled the syringe out of his arm, not bothering to wipe the blood off the puncture.
»What are you gonna do with that?« Unus asked. Dark wondered if he picked up on the change that had happened to Marvin as well.
   »Blood is the very life essence of a being.« The Mage explained. »It carries not only oxygen, but also energy and to a certain extend, has it's own memory, like water.«
He stuffed the vial into one of his many pockets, and walked past Unus and Annus.

They followed, and once again, Dark was left alone. And in complete silence.

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