28.04 - 04/28 - Don't go into the ocean...ever

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It was Da Vinci who broke the silence. »We are suprised you made it this far. But as we told you, you will not leave.« His eyes wandered over to Matthew. »Still, getting Mister Patrick to help you was a clever move.«

Annus stepped forward, fist and teeth clenched. »Oh stop acting all high and mighty. We came here because you might be the only ones that could help us. But no, instead of using your super science tech magic bullshit, you lock us away. I'll tell ya what Mister, for an oh so advanced society, that's pretty backwards.« He took a deep breath.  »We'll leave now. I wouldn't try to stop us if I were you. Unus and i have dealt with far worse.«

Da Vincis eyes sparked a hint of respect. »Very well. The chances were high that we would have let you roam the city anyways. But tell me, Mr. Annus, what will the next step be?«
    »We'll save Marvin, and then we'll leave. And if we gotta tear down the city walls, so be it.« Annus took a step forward, staring him down. »We've gone toe to toe with guys who used reality as Play-Doh, so don't think a buch of armchair aristocrats could stop us.«

A smile crossed the face of the old man. »I can assure you, none of us were fond of the aristocracy of our time. Furthermore, I hope you can excuse our behavior.«
   Unus blinked in confusion. »Say what now?«
»It was a test,« Mr. King explained. »Personally, I thought we could skip it in your case, but somebody,« he glanced over to Da Vinci, »insisted on doing it.«

The man in the flowing garb smiled apollogetically.  »You chose to not to resort to violence. Not just that, but you also prioritize the life of you friend. We are the only hope you have at the moment, and yet you would antagonize us in an instant if it meant saving your friend. You are good men, and I am deeply sorry we had to dest you this way.«

Annus looked as if his eyes were about to pop out of his head. »A test. You're telling us all of this was a test? « He leaned over to Unus. » Is it ok to punch a 500 year old?«
    » I told him it was a bad idea,« Mr. King responded. » But you'll have to understand that Atlantis is cautious. The history of our city has shown i what happens when our resources are used by the wrong people. Follow me.«

With that, the group made their way back through the halls they came from. Unus and Annus exchanged sceptic glances. »A long time ago back in our homeworld, our city was the most advanced place in the world,« The man explained. »While other civilisations figured out how to plant crops, we built the first steam engine. Our fast advancement led to hubris. We built ships, an enormous fleet that no one could defy. We sailed towards the other civilisations, and when they did not want to accept our ways, we resorted to violence.« He sighed.
»Needless to say, they had little to put against us. In a few weeks, we had not only destroyed the ones we wanted to help, but also singlehandedly shifted the power of the old world.«

The group stopped in front of a massive door, the frame covered in sigils and symbols. »Since then, the city has been careful as to who to give access to its knowledge. You are a few of the handful of people to ever see this.«

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