"Oi,Yuno! Why are you glaring like that to the captains?"Asta come up and asked as I went my attention towards him and sighted.

"For I know,shrimps aren't be able to talk."I said with an armed crossed as a vein pops out from his forehead and started barking to me.

"Hey! You shouldn't talk like that to your foster brother,you handsome jerk!"He said as I didn't listen and went my gaze back to the stairs balcony after my one on one fight with a noble and defeated him.

'She did really forgets us,huh..What a shame'

I let out a big sight and glance more towards (Y/n) whom was talking with different kinds of people that standing behind each captain's chair perhaps introducing themselves with each other just like she would do before at the church.

"Ah,I see..You were staring at (Y/n),don't you?"He suddenly spoke as I looked at him with a death glare as he chuckled and lightly pats my back as I slap his hand away and went to a different spot.

"He never really mind his own business.."I sighted and lean against on a white brick wall within the shadows and still continue paying attention to her with the others on the stairs balcony.


The Magic Knight exam was almost done and then it's our time to get pick or to pick any squads to join if we ever pass the exam.To get pick by the only captain of the squad whom chosen us to be part with them and to pick any squads that we desire to be at when we got more than one squad captain that chosen us.


"C-Captains!!"A single Magic Knight with a purple robe that he wears suddenly burst himself inside the arena and give his respect to the captains before continuing his words to them.

"What's the matter? Why are you here?"A captain spoke with a single braid in front of his face wearing a white cape probably the Squad Captain of Silver Eagles as the single Magic Knight then spoke.

"T-There's an invasion!"He shouted as the other contestants around the arena begins to whisper and gets nervous from the unexpected event to occur.

"From whom?"Captain of the Golden Dawn asked as the man spoke again with a nervous and scared facial expression.

"There are bunch of armies! From the Diamond Kingdom on the east near here!"He exclaimed and the captains looked at each other and before any of them could reply (Y/n) steps in and raise her hand as she talks.

"Please,don't fret! I'll be taking responsibility on this one's invasion from the Diamond Kingdom."She said and in her tone it was full of justice and determination as I could feel my chest is beating again seeing her in that state.

"You? But what if you get hurt!?"It was Asta's loud voice as (Y/n) looks at her and smiled.

Star Maiden {Yuno x F! Grand Magic Knight}Where stories live. Discover now