Kanan grunted. "Oh my god..ow.." he frowned and rubbed his shoulder. "Don't pull my shoulder out of my socket.." he groaned and looked up. "It takes an hour to get ready..or at least dressed, but I'm starving."

"I got French toast that Ezra and the girls made." He smiled. "Ezra made your plate."

"Aww, that's sweet. I'm so excited.." he got teary. "I'm getting married..married!!!"

Zeb held Kanan close. "Yes you are..I'm so happy for you and the kid.." Kanan smiled, sitting at the table with Zeb and eating happily. "So what's the plan?"

"Well after we eat, we need to get you straightened out with a shower. Then I have to trim up your hair since when you cut it, you didn't have a mirror and you were blind." He chuckled.

Kanan rolled his eyes. "I'll be back okay?" He got up and washed his dishes, going to take a shower. He smiled and washed his hair and body.

Zeb waited and called Hera. "Hey Hera."

"Hey Zeb, how is everything going?" Hera smiled and smiled at Sabine who was getting her makeup done.

"It's good, had Ezra taken a shower yet?" Zeb chuckled. "Kanans taking one now."

"Yeah, he's taking one now at the dressing room." Hera smiled.

"Good, I got Kanan fed and he's coming out of the shower now. Where should we meet you and Sabine? And when?" Zeb looked at chopper and chuckled.

"Meet us at the altar at the lothal temple at around 2." Hera smiled. "Sabine and I will be done, and Ezra should be about done by that time."

"Sounds like a plan, see you then." Zeb hung up.

Kanan got dried and got dressed into his tuxedo, he walked over to Zeb. "Who was that?"

"Your sister." He chuckled and sat Kanan down. "Hmm..I may have her do this since I'm not good with hair, or have Sabine do it. Here, let me call them again." He called Sabine.

"Hey Zeb, what's up?" Sabine smiled.

"I suck with hair and Kanan needs a trim..can we come over or something to help?" Zeb frowned.

"Oh yeah of course! I'll make sure Ezra is out of sight okay?" Sabine got up and grabbed her hair tools.

"Great, thanks so much." He hung up and smiled and Kanan. "Let me get changed, then we'll head out, okay?" He walked to his cabin and got into his tux on, then walked out with Kanan to the dressing room.

Hera smiled and hid Ezra in the showers. "Take a longer shower, we can't have you and Kanan see each other! Just relax a little okay? Enjoy the nice and hot water, we don't have to pay for it." She chuckled and walked over to Kanan with Sabine and got teary at the sight of her baby brother. "Look at you.." she hugged him tightly. "All grown up.."

Kanan chuckled and smiled softly, hugging back. "You look beautiful Hera.."

Sabine smiled and sat Kanan down. "Hmm.." she started trimming his hair, making it look nicer then it did when he first cut it and smiled. "So?"

"It looks great as always Sabine, thank you." He smiled up at her.

She nods. "Now go, go go go!"

"Sabine, it's 1 o clock.." Kanan looked at her.

"Yeah, still another hour! Now go!" she smiled as Zeb and him walked back to the ghost.

Ezra got dried off and into pajamas and walked over to Hera and Sabine. "So what now?"

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