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Taehyung had no idea how it happened but he was now having so much fun with Jimin. The other was really funny, he did make some mistakes because he wasn't fully familiar with all human behaviour but he was learning. Taehyung would explain to the other what he did wrong while laughing at the embarrassing act.

"Jimin, no, you can just command them!" taehyung whisper yelled while holding his laugh.

"but he wasn't listening, maybe i should just ripped his arm off then"

"No-" taehyung's eyes widened imagining jimin actually doing that.

"Hmm fine, but he is taking way too long. I do not like this slow-ass human behaviour. can he work faster, our kind isn't that slow '' jimin whined and put his head on the table like a kid who was bored.

"Aish, don't be such a baby. It's only been eight minutes. Are you that impatient??" Taehyung chuckled remembering Jimin came to him so early after saying they would meet again the next day. It seems Jimin really was VERY impatient. "hmm i guess you are"

"My yoongi doesn't mind me being impatient, he says it's cute," Jimin said as he lifted his head back up, smiling at the other. "i want to introduce him to you, he is a very sweet guy"


"Yes, he is human like you. And very sexy too"

"I would love to meet him, but how do demons and a human get together?"

"oh many do I believe, but I met Yoongi before he knew what I was. but he still loved me and promised to teach me how to blend in with humans so i can live here safely! i don't want to be killed like the others" jimin whispered a bit so no one else would hear. not that there was anyone at the table next to them.

"But why do they kill everyone? why not only the bad ones?" Taehyung did not like these hunters, they even attacked him, taehyung, who did nothing wrong. He was human so why would they attack him like that?

"I dunno exactly, i only heard it was for experiments and just extermination of the insects as they like to call it"

"wow, rude." the younger chuckled and looked at the food that was being served. "Anyway, let's enjoy the breakfast!"

"yes yes~i love human food, they make everything so tasty and sweet" jimin smiled and began eating.


Taehyung was sure Jimin was no threat to him. Jimin promised to never hurt him as long as taehyung wasn't gonna betray jimin, if so jimin said he would have to eat him. Even if it was a joke it was enough to make taehyung agree right away, promising to keep his mouth shut about him being a shifter. They had said goodbye as taehyung had to go to work, but a cat kept following him, and taehyung want stupid. so he turned around looking at the big black cat who froze in his steps eyes wide.

"Jimin, don't follow me, it's suspicious!"

"meow" is all he got in reply. but Jimin didn't move away. He kept following Taehyung, keeping a little distance. but as soon as they entered the library he hid out of sight but kept a close eye on taehyung like he was asked to by jungkook himself.

"Taehyung, right on time. we have a problem" namjoon said, seeing the boy enter the library.

"oh, what is it?" Taehyung asked, walking to the man's big desk in the middle.

"Well a customer is refusing to return the books. They are behind by three weeks now. Can you go and see what the problem is this time? I really need the books back they have been reserved for tomorrow. Please go get them for me" namjoon said and sighed. "for the hassle i will clean the library today so you can go home early"

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