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It was finnaly 5:58...two more minutes. 

Taehyung stood in his room. He grabbed the fluffy blanket from his closet and swung it over his shoulders before heading to the balcony. At night it got quite cold outside and he didn't want to catch a gold in the night breeze. Taehyung sat down on the little chair he had put on the balcony and wrapped the blanket around him tightly keeping his sleepy body that just woke up warm in the night. He sat there for only two minutes and his eyes were already falling closed back to his lovely sleep he was in not more than ten minutes ago.


the sound of a crow and the flapping of wings woke him up, his eyes snapped open and he sat back up straight pulling the blanket higher up to his neck feeling the cold air. he flinched when he saw Jungkook stand on his balcony leaning against the railing his hands in his pockets. he looked so mysterious, his face looked blank each time he saw him, excluding when they met in the library. Jungkook seemed on guard for something when he was there.



"Y-you asked to meet what's going on?" Taehyung asked to put one leg on the chair and hold it with his hands as it seemed more comfortable than having both legs down. He slid down every time so this was better.

"Yes.. I have been following you for a long time now. you may not have noticed at first until recently. I had been waiting for the right time to show myself." Jungkook said he knew that he could trust Taehyung, he had studied the boy everyday and did not see him as a threat to him or his friends. "My name is Jeon Jungkook, i am a demon or shifter whatever you humans call us.'' Jungkook said, hissing the word 'humans' slightly. "i came here as a protection for you"

"me? but why?, why would I need protection?" Taehyung asked, confused, he didn't see why he would need protection, he was just living a calm life. not knowing that his life was calm because of jungkook.

"Things aren't what they seem, you are not who you think you are. I make sure that they don't find out. me and my friends are always in danger, but you are too. they want you"

"But why, what did I do?"

"you did nothing....yet" jungkook mumbled the last part to himself, the boy did not need to know it now. Jungkook knew more than he was telling, Jungkook knew everything, but everything comes on its own time. He can't tell the boy everything or else it will unravel the wrong way. it will make things worse. He won't be able to protect the boy if that would happen.

"what should you be scared of then, you said last time you were not the one to fear?"

"Have you heard of the hunters?" jungkook asked. taehyung nodded. "Well, they are here to kill or capture us demons, they want to erase us like we don't exist. They don't want humans to even know what is happening. they are ruining our lives," Jungkook frowned while saying it.

"then what do you want? if you're not here to kill us.."

"Some just want to kill, but me and some others just want to live here peacefully. we have nowhere else to go, we don't have a home, we are just firstborns of a cursed spell.

"But I hear people talk about murders by your kind! how do you call that peaceful?" Taehyung said, frowning at the other.

"I said, SOME of us. I don't want to kill all those lowlife people who keep annoying me, thinking they are something when they can't even look me in the eye without wearing their death. they are just weak" jungkook muttered the last part and scoffed. "Dont think im not capable of killing you and everyone else here. I just don't see the reason to do so. i don't mean to scare or harm you and i want to keep it that way."

"But why me...what do I have to do in this?"

"I need you, we need you. I need to keep you safe. I can't tell you why yet. but people are after you, hunters are after you too. and that is not because of me. I am just here as your guardian for the time being." Jungkook explained giving just a few of the details from the whole story. yes he was here just as a guardian for the boy, but over the years he had grown some more deep interests in the boy, finding out they were connected... which was also the reason he didn't want to scare him, at first he didn't care if the boy got scared. he would chase him off his elementary school grounds for fun or scare him by flying against the window or suddenly flap in front of his ace making loud noises. But now he kept silent in the distance, wanting the boy to leave peacefully. sadly it was getting too dangerous for all of them and he had to let taehyung know he was in danger. "You shouldn't wander at night alone, they will search for you. it will be obvious. I am around a lot but not each second of the day."

"I-its very confusing Jungkook.."

"I know, but I really can't give you more details, please promise you will do as I say. I'm just trying to protect you. as long as you are around me they won't immediately take action. they don't want to cause a scene in front of humans, they don't want humans to have official proof about all this."

"o-okay...i guess" taehyung didn't know what to do, this was all so strange. and on top of that he was talking to a demon, a fucking demon! a demon that could just rip out his throat if he wished to. but he felt quite relaxed around the other, he didn't know why. probably because he had been there all this time without him actually realising. he had unconsciously gotten used to the other's presence.

"If you have any more questions you can ask me, I will be around. just call me." Jungkook said and turned around ready to leave. He stepped on the balcony edge crouched. "But don't call me for nonsense, I will be pissed off at you" the raven said and jumped down. Taehyung gasped and jumped up from his chair rushing to the edge. He looked down but all he saw was a black raven flying up disappearing into the night.

"Jungkook hm...such an odd demon, not what i expected" taehyung said. well from the outside he looked kind of something he had in mind with human looking demons, but his personality was different he was quite kind. yes he had some demonic words and reactions but mainly his tone was just monotone with no real hate or like feeling in them, he was just looking human. It was strange how such strange creatures blend in so well. Taehyung wouldn't have thought to actually find out they were real and meet one like this, peacefully, not him getting killed like rumors he heard on the street. "Jeon...jungkook. huh.." the boy chuckled and went back inside his apartment, sighing when the warmth of his room wrapped around him.


thank you for reading. i decided to quickly update this before bed. im so struggling to get this story going, it so hard TT i even confuse myself. 

i will see you in the next chapter!🌼🌼🌼

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