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To say Taehyung was impressed would be too light. He was beyond amazed. When they came to a forest clearing a huge mansion came into view. it looked so new? Taehyung doesn't remember any new builds in or around the city. but also taehyung never really came to this part of the area, no one actually did. there was nothing to do here. It was just an empty forest.

"Welcome, to my house" Jungkook said as they entered the property nearing the big wooden door. He pushed it open letting the younger human inside who was looking around amazed by the decoration in the tall hallway.

"Wow, it's Huge!" Taehyung said and smiled wide, looking at the paintings and elegant shaped art that was next to the front door. They were statues of mythical creatures, a few gems decorating the white stone.

"Yes, three others live here with me, we all need our own space once in a while" Jungkook explained why the house was this big. it was a part of the whole story, it was mainly because they knew no one came in this part of the area so they can live here freely without having to fear anyone seeing them shift or use their powers. They can feel more free here.

"Ooh yes, you said they were your friends right?"

"yes i did" jungkook took off his long black coat and hung it on one of the golden hooks at the wall. Taehyung followed his actions by taking off his jacket and putting his bag on the ground under his jacket. "come, they are probably in the living room"

Taehyung followed the raven who led him through the maze-like hallway with many doors and open arches towards another hallway, it was almost like he was inside a hotel. There was no way someone was this rich to afford such a place? where did jungkook even get the money from? did we work among the humans? Many questions about this house ran through his head.

"Oooh its the human, welcome welcome!" a familiar voice said. Taehyung looked around and his eyes fell on Jimin who rushed to him, clapping his hands happily. "Jungkook told me you were coming over!"

"He did?" Taehyung looked at Jungkook who didn't pay much attention to what was happening.

"yes. Also now you're here, let me introduce you to my boyfriend Yoongi!" Jimin smiled, taking Taehyung's hand and pulling him towards the dark haired man that sat at the table with a sandwich in front of him which he was eating. "Yoongi, meet taehyung. taehyung, meet yoongi"

"hello" yoongi greeted the boy.

"hi, Jimin told me about you."

"oh he did, how cute" yoongi smiled looking at the feline.

"Hmhm, I always tell about you, bragging about my boyfriend isn't so bad now is it?" Jimin said walking behind his boyfriend, lifting his face up to kiss the other quickly.

"Ahw" taehyung smiled, for probably the first time he saw a human and a shifter being affectionate like this. It shows that it's possible. that not all shifters are here to kill. Jimin really didn't seem like a pad person, taehyung believed they were not bad now. He trusted them. well only the ones jungkook was introducing him to. not the unknown demons in the city, those can't be trusted for sure.

"We are not with many, one of our older friends already died when he got caught by hunters a long time ago. We buried him in the garden. in case you're wondering why there is a tombstone '' Jungkook said looking outside the window into the garden. The garden had a fish pond and a yellowish sand path, along the path were flowers like roses, daisies and lilies. it was filled with color, but there were also raspberries and strawberries. those grew against the house. It had so much color that it was a funny contrast to Jungkook who didn't have any color besides the deep purple of his eyes. It suited jimin more who wore currently wore colors, which matched with his blue eyes.

but not to mind that, taehyung knew that everything was odd and strange ever since he got to know the shifters were really true.

"Are you hungry?" Jungkook turned around to look at the boy.

"a little bit" taehyung didn't have any dinner today and seeing the sun was already setting made him realise he was indeed hungry.

"we don't have much in house as yoongi is the only human here....but we have some...instant ramen...bread and salad.'' Jungkook was looking in the fridges and the cabinets to see what kind of meals he could put together. He didn't eat human food when at home, only when outside. they are not much use to a demon's body. Yes, it satisfies the feeling of hunger for a while, but their body doesn't use the food fully. they will need blood to refill their energy.

"Ramen is fine, I don't mind whatever" Taehyung smiles. Jungkook grabbed a noodle cup and began boiling the hot water. He wasn't going to make the guest make their own food, and besides he wanted to make it for taehyung, he wanted the boy to be comfortable and feel welcome in the house and around him.

"It will take a few minutes, please make yourself at home." Jungkook said, looking at the boy who stood there still on the same spot where he left him.

"I can give you a mini tour!" Jimin said walking to their guest and new friend. "come on, there i9s a lot to show you"

"o-ah!" Taehyung suddenly got pulled by the friendly demon and got dragged back to the hallway where his hand was released.

"Alright, let's start here," Jimin said, walking through an arch into a new hallway. "these are mostly empty, but here near the end we have study rooms for jungkook, yoongi and me. we read here or think. just time for ourselves. they are one of our personal rooms. Look this is mine" Jimin opened one of the wooden doors revealing a fully decorated room. a bookshelf on the left, on the right a drawer with flowers on top. in the middle is a desk with papers.

"cool" taehyung smile.

"yes it is, okay. there isn't much else here so let's go to the other wing" jimin walked past the boy going through the other arch across the hallway which came to a bigger hall like area. "this is a place for us to make contact with the demon realm. as you can see the statue over there.'' Jimin pointed to a huge statue of a human-like creature with two horns growing in a circle. his hands upwards like she was asking for something. two green gems were her eyes. on her back was a pair of dragon-like wings and a spiked long tail which circled around the pilar under her and over the ground. "this is our..god to call it like that. she is a dragon shifter, she isn't real she is a spirit which had spread the curse of shifters over earth when her rest was disturbed. so she now romans in the 'in between'."

"oh, she is pretty," Taehyung said looking at the statue, he wondered what she would look like in real life. Would she be as big as this? she was at least over two meters tall, maybe she was nearing 3 meters, taehyung couldn't tell. she was bigger than him so in his eyes she was tall.

"Okay. let's get upstairs then!" Jimin smiled and left the hall going up the wide stairs. "upstairs isn't anything special, just mostly bedrooms and bathrooms. but we have a huge balcony which hase view on the garden and one that has a view on the front side. the other rooms you will have to explore on your own, there are some smaller things but not really worth showing you in this mini tour." jimin said as he showed the other the bedrooms of them. ending with jungkook's. "and probably the bedroom you are most interested in, Jungkook's bedroom" jimin pushed the door open showing a warm colored room. The bed had dark almost wine red sheets with black pillows. The curtains were the same color. The floor was made from wood just like the door. It didn't have much decoration like the other rooms, but it did have one book on the drawer and a knife laying next to a roll of bandages. like it was recently used but not put away yet.

he was about to look at the stuff when he felt a presence.

"your food is ready" it was jungkook, he stood next to jimin.

"okay, i will come down"

"thats the end of the tour then~" jimin smiled and followed the three downstairs.


more of a chapter to show their house lmao. thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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