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it was turning late and taehyung had to leave soon. He was currently with Jungkook in a cafe before they were going to part ways. Jungkook invited him for a drink after dinner. and the boy accepted of course.

He sat in front of Jungkook holding his hot cup of tea in both hands. He looked at Jungkook who was talking to the waiter asking what kind of desserts they serve. He couldn't take his eyes off the other. He felt like he had to look at jungkook. there was this feeling inside of him... like.. like a pull? But ignoring that he came to see more details of the other. how his eyebrows had a sharp edge and his cheek had a small scar, his cheekbone was sharp as well. a lot of his features were sharp. It was very...attractive. It made Taehyung's stomach tingle.

He was so lost in staring that he didn't notice jungkook was now staring right back at him. that was until their eyes locked. Taehyung was startled a little and a blush crept up his cheeks, quickly moving his eyes from the other and clearing his throat awkwardly.

"They don't have any desserts I like , sadly. Too bad '' Jungkook hummed after his sentence, his eyes scanning the boy. He noticed the blush on his cheeks and chuckled, a small smile on his lips.

"O-oh okay. what do you want then?" taehyung wanted to get rid of this awkward feeling quickly.

"hmm i like this one with a coffee flavored bottom, a creamy middle and on top brown powder. i keep forgetting the name..." jungkook said and thought, a frown on his face when he was digging deep in thoughts to remember the name.

"You mean tiramisu?"

"ah-yes that" Jungkook said, his eyes turning rounder. which surprised taehyung a little. He didn't think those sharp cold eyes would be able to turn this round and inviting. it sand a flutter through his heart.

"oh, I know a restaurant that makes them fresh. we can go there sometime?"

"I would like that. i will make some time soon"

"great!" Taehyung said and sipped his tea emptying the cup. Jungkook had already finished a while ago. He only had an espresso and gulped it away in one go. He then decided to ask something, again noticing the bandages around the other's hand that disappeared behind his sleeve. "Why do you have those bandages?"

"Oh that, it's nothing" jungkook said shortly and put that arm under the table. "Do you want me to walk you back?" jungkook asked changing the subject

"no, I will go to the library. i got to speak to namjoon"

"Alright, ten i will probably see you tomorrow. Do you have to work then?"

"hm no i don't think so" taehyung thought for a moment. "no i'm free tomorrow"

"good" jungkooks stood up and put money on the table. "The drinks are on me this time."

"i didn't expect you to have human money"

"I live on earth, of course I have human money. i'm not an connolising alien"

"ah yea..." taehyung scratched his neck and stood up as well following jungkook out of the cafe. "Thank you for the drink and showing me your home. i really enjoyed it"

"my pleasure" jungkook sent him a smile that warmed the boy's body. Taehyung didn't know why or how, but something about Jungkook really had an effect on him. It's like he was enchanted by the other.

"i wil see you tomorrow then, bye bye!"

"Bye Tae" jungkook watched the younger walk away and disappear around the corner. After that he made sure no one was watching and shifted flying into the sky.

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