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"Why can't I go out???! Ughhh!" taehyung whined as he rolled on his back. He had been staying here for almost three days now. He wanted to go out but Namjoon wouldn't let him. He kept saying it was too dangerous to go out there now. That he had to wait until Jungkook came to get him.

"because i tell you so" Namjoon said while he was reading behind his desk. Namjoon had closed the library since he took Taehyung under the library's protection. He wasn't taking any risks on getting spied on by possible hunters.

One because Namjoon didn't quite like to engage in any violence. But also because he promised to keep the boy safe.

"i wanna go outside"

"no is no taehyung" namjoon flipped another page, well until he suddenly looked up from his book and shut the book with a smack. "Okay, he's here" he stood up from his desk.

"what? who?" Taehyung sat up straight when Namjoon said that and seeing the man walk away he rushed on his feet and followed the older to the middle, where a black raven flew through the window shifting to his human form. But he wasn't alone, he was accompanied by a cat and two knocks on the door.

"Taehyung if you don't mind, open the door for our guest" Namjoon said while he looked at Jimin and Jungkook.

"uh...sure '' Taehyung walked to the library door that was usually locked the last two days but some magical way was unlocked now. He was surprised to see Yoongi standing there.

"oh, hello Taehyung. we meet again" yoongi smiled and walked past Taehyung inside the library joining the other three. They all waited for Taehyung to close the door and come to them as well before speaking.

"So, any updates?" Namjoon asked yoongi.

"Yea, it's getting out of hand" Yoongi replied and sighed with a frown. "The hunters are taking this too far, they are not filtering anymore. They are killing every living shifter, good or bad. they even killed children! whose children don't even know what they are! this is crazy!"

"he's right Joon, i have seen them patrol the city at night invading homes. They are revealing themselves to the world, along with our existence. it will just be a matter of time until this all blows up into something probably worse" jungkook said. meanwhile taehyung just looked at them in confusion, he would have appreciated some backstory instead of jumping right in.

"There is less time than said. but we can't rush things. we have to wait for taehyung to find his powers, we shouldnt act until then. We need him" namjoon looked at Taehyung who just looked so confused like a little kid.

"Hm, we just have to make sure they dont get their hands on him or we will be fuuucked" jimin said and swung his arm over taehyung's shoulder. "so what ya say, wanna go on an adventure?"

"Jimin, no" jungkook grabbed the cat's collar and pulled him back. "it's not the time for games now, we have to focus. I think it's best to take taehyung to the location, it might activate him somehow"

"we don't even know if it will work, you know she isn't with us anymore"

"it's worth trying" Jungkook looked at taehyung who now frowned at them.

"uhm explain?" Taehyung said, trying to get into the conversation.

"were going on a road trip!" jimin smiled and threw his hands up. "how exitinggg"

"It's not that far but whatever" namjoon chuckled and walked to his desk. "i will stay here, stay safe out there alright. keep it low"

"we will be fine, they got me," Jungkook said and grinned a little."

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