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Taehyung laid in his bed comfortably, he rolled on his other side snuggling more into his blankets to fall back into dreamland again...well that was the idea, Taehyung felt something was off. He shifted thinking he wasn't comfortable in the position. but it wasn't. there was something not right in the room. He felt like he wasn't alone. So Taehyung opened his eyes blinking a few times, not liking to open his eyes so early. well he was wide awake when he saw a face in front of him. with an alarmed yelp he got up moving against the wall on his bed looking at the man inside his room.

"WHAT THE HECK!?" he shouted seeing Jimin look at him confused.

"goodmorning, you woke up!" Jimin smiled.

"Yes, duh!? Why are you watching me, why are you even here??"

"i thought i was allowed to come see you today. i said 'see you tomorrow'. or do i have memory loss" jimin tapped his chin but then shrugged. "Anyway, I'm here now. wanna go do something fun?"

"ah-" taehyung had no idea what to say, was this man serious right now? Taehyung sighed and relaxed. if this jimin was serious, he really didn't need to fear this one. Jimin looked too innocent to hurt him.

"Sooo? Is that a yes? you are silent, so i think it's a yes. Come on get dressed. lets have breakfast together" jimin smiled and got up, opened taehyung closet and threw some clothes at the human. Jimin was fond of the human, partly because Jungkook was with him so that means the boy was one of the group now. and Jimin would like to have some new friends who lived casually among the humans. It would be a nice learning experience for him. Jimin wanted to live here as a human, but he wasn't a human, he was a cursed creature in the shape of a human. He was not like everyone thinks he is.

"okay....i guess" taehyung said and took the clothes the cat threw at him and put them on. Jimin walked out of the room talking about this restaurant he had seen on his way here, only taehyung wasn't listening he had parted ways from the other heading into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Hey, where are you now?" He heard from downstairs, and then someone running up the stairs very fast, probably skipping some stairs in the process. "there you are, i thought you just left me" jimin was now in the bathroom. "so, wanna go there?"

"Sure" Taehyung chuckled but was alarmed when the cat demon got very close and his hand almost touched his shoulder he stepped away glaring at the newly met demon.

"don't touch me, ok? i will really cut your fingers of"

"Aish, those threats don't scare me. you know they will just grow back eventually right?"

"what the fuck-"

"We regrow our fallen limbs and heal our wounds. you can't just cut my fingers and expect me to actually be bothered by it" jimin chuckled. Once it was a 'violent' subject he changed slightly,. his 'innocent' behaviour gone and now showing his more demon side with a grin. " you can't kill me like that"

"Then how do we kill one of you?"

"stab the heart of course"

"That's easy enough," Taehyung shrugged.

"hmm, my heart is on my right side, not left. So no, you would have missed it and I would have killed you. some of us have their hearts on a different spot so you can't kill us that fast. you don't know where to aim."

"Then what else can I do?" Taehyung asked, now brushing his hair. He wanted to know more about these demons, lucky for him Jimin was more than willing to answer all his questions, unlike jungkook who was keeping everything from him.

"Well you can also bleed us to death if you're too lazy to find the heart I is a lot of work as we heal our wounds. for that hunters have found something new" jimin; s smile faded into a glare. "Those stinky hunters are always after us, they won't leave us alone. It's annoying. they now actually can hurt us, i hate it. their knife fucking HURT!" jimin complained.

"yes, a knife is supposed to hurt"

"Normal weapons don't affect us, emerald does. So they gave their knives an emerald edge so they could cut us and actually hurt us. We won't be able to heal right away because emerald is poison for us. It burns a lot when we touch it." Jimin said and lifted up his shirt showing his side where a thick scar was. "Look, I got cut once. I wasn't able to heal it, so I got a scar left from it, we are not able to scar normally..." he sighed.

"that looks...painful"

"it was..."

"what happened?" Taehyung asked, feeling a bit bad for the other. Jimin didn't really seem like a bad person so far. but what happened to have him get hurt like that.

"nothing actually. but i once shifted back thinking no one was nearby only to find our hunters were already after me, they saw me and tried to catch me, i got cut while trying to get away. i was alone back then, i didn't meet others, like me, like jungkook. I'm glad I did, now I'm not alone. Now I have my friends.

"Im sorry"

"don't be..its fine. but these hunters need to stop. not all of us are monsters. yes we eat humans and have their blood, but i won't just ripp of a child's head when i feel like it." jimin rolled his eyes. "We feed when necessary. sometimes we take animals"

"so you do eat humans"

"Hmm, sort of yes. It's not like we sit at a table and just eat a hand. we drain the blood which keeps us alive. and the meat is just for the chewiness so our teeth will stay sharp and we can use it to consume and get strength back."

"So blood and all is your food?"

"hmm mostly yes. we need blood at least to stay alive. We can eat human food but our body doesn't have much use for it. we don't feel any effect. it just tastes good.'' Jimin chuckled. "Eventually we will need to get ourselves some blood so we can get back to strength, we will die if we don't do so."

"So if you don't drink it, what will happen wil just suddenly die or something like that?" Taehyung was seriously interested now.

"Hmm no, we get sick first. very sick and slowly we will lose strength and die. I have seen someone go like that with my own eyes. we saved one from the hunters who had practically starved him, he couldn't eat anymore so we were not able to feed him blood and save his life, he dies eventually. it was really sad.." jimin pouted.

"oh I see.....your kind is very interesting. i wish to know everything now, but i know that's not possible"

"ye sit issss, you have me, i can answer all your questions!" Jimin smiled and clapped his hands together once, folding them, looking like a merchant that was trying to sell off their strang products by smiling.



"Then, do you know what Jungkook means? I am special and all?"

"I do not speak of that, '' Jimin said, his smile gone as soon as he heard the question. "It is not the time taehyung, Jungkook won't like it if you try to ask about it behind his back."

"o-oh..okay" taehyung felt intimidated by the dark eyes that were now looking at him. the sweet looking jimin now looked dead serious.

"Well then, let's go get breakfast!" jimin smiled again and walked away.


thank you for your patience and reading the update. i will see you in the next chapter!


this photo is basically a summary of jimin in the story lmao

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this photo is basically a summary of jimin in the story lmao.

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