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The next evening Jungkook had been sleeping through the day mostly, he could heal faster when he was asleep. Namjoon checked him up every few hours to make sure there was no more poison inside his body. But everytime he doesn't find any, Jungkook will be back to normal in no time. He will heal fine. There was no need to worry about that now. Which was good news to Taehyung and the others who were worried for the other.

As Jungkook was sleeping, Taehyung sat next to him, gently playing with the raven's hair. He was smiling, they welf so much more connected than before. Their connection got stronger after yesterday. he was happy to have done that yet he felt way too shy to mention that moment again. Jungkook teased him about it but now he was sleeping. Giving taehyung the perfect time to adore his handsome face. when he was looking at the other he noticed something he hadn't seen before. There were a few scars on his neck. they seemed to have been cuts once. He gently touched them with a concerned frown.

"those are scars he got from the hunters" namjoon said. He had silently walked in but didnt know Taehyung was here.

"really? what happened?"

"They tried to kill him when Jungkook tried to save one of his friends that got captured by them. I managed to save him that day but it didn't go without scars. The poison was too much in his neck and I was unable to remove all of it which caused the scars there. He can't heal them well when it's full of poison. But hes alive. that day is aso why his arm is this broken. He used to have just a black infected arm but he had used so much power that his arm bursted and his flesh began dying and breaking. so it's been getting worse since then. I advised him never to use such power again, I can tell he won't survive another attempt."

"I don't want him to die," Taehyung said softly. He hated knowing jungkook was sick like this.

"he won't die on you, he has tasks to fulfill. i promised me he will stay alive until this all has been settled"

"i hope he never does, but.....i can't do anything"

"You can do more than you think taehyung" namjoon said sounding suspicious.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Just trust the old bear. when you need it the most you will know what i mean, it won't come if i tell you. you will have to find it yourself" and with that namjoon turn around to leave. but he didn't come further than two steps when he suddenly heard a gasp from the younger.

"n-namjoon!? what's happening?" Taehyung asked, shocked looking at his hands that slowly faded to a white color.

"oh shit." Namjoon's eyes widen seeing Taehyung's eyes glowing red and his hands in a white fade. "don't panic, it's your demon. your body wasn't ready for this so it hase some troubles to keep you under control. I will just need some star anise to calm your body down from the tension. but i don't have any"

"what's happening??"

"your body is trying to release some of its power but that won't be good. I need you to drink some star water. You haven't used your powers before so its bottling up"

"What's going on?" a new voice said, both turned their heads seeing jungkook had woken up and looked at them confused.

"I need to have star anise for taehyung, his demon is making his body too tensed"

"oh, won't it pass in a bit? i had that too"

"i don't know for sure, i don't know how dangerous taehyung's type is compared to yours.'' Namjoon looked concerned, so far taehyung didn't seem in any pain. but he didn't want to risk anything so better have some anise on pocket. "Jungkook, can you run to the store and get three of them? I will watch over him, we can't leave him alone."

"Sure, I will be right back. What do I need?"

"Here, I'll write it down for you," Namjoon said and wrote it down. knowing jungkook will forget it later anyway and come back with the wrong product. It has happened before.

"star anise, I can remember that, '' Jungkook said while he was now dressed and ready to leave.

"I'm sure you will forget so just take the paper."

"fine" jungkook rolled his eyes a little and left the library. He was glad his cuts have fully healed now, only his arm needed more time but it was fine. Just give it a rest and he will be fine. It was nice to have some fresh air finally, jungkook wasn't much inside normally.


Nearing the store Jungkook looked at the paper Namjoon gave him with what he needed to get. He had no idea what namjoon needed it fir but if it was for Taehyung he won't return until he had spit out the whole city for this. Starting with the shop right around the corner.

"Alright, let's see, '' Jungkook said to himself while entering the small convenience store. Not bothering to search for it himself he approached the desk and held up the paper with the messy handwriting. "i need this, do you sell it here?"

The boy leaned forward and read what was written before shaking his head. "I'm afraid we don't. I'm sorry. But I think you can try it at the store next street. They sell more of that kind products"

"Thank you, I'll try there," Jungkook said and walked out of the store, his arm hidden in his pocket while the other gripped the paper. "this better be quick...Ugh"

He turned a corner but suddenly saw something come towards him and he tried to dodge it but he noticed it too late and a hard object hit his arm pushing him over with the same hit.

"ah fuck!" he cursed holding his arm while trying to get beck on his feet and see the situation. He didn't sense them, Jungkook couldn't sense others' presence anymore when he was healing. Gaining his powers back from how much he used that day.

"Well well, we found the little birdie" a familiar voice was heard. Jungkook, who was now on his feet, saw Hoseok standing there with a group of hunters.

"you're such a bother," Jungkook scoffed. This man just never gives up.

"I know. But orders are orders. Get him!"

The hunters began inching closer. The raven knew this was bad Jungkook had to run, he couldn't fight. He was too weak. Using his powers now when he is still healing might cause him to lose his consciousness or worse, lose his whole arm. So with the distance he made he ran away holding his arm that was burning in pain.

But now he wasn't having his powers active he did not sense the sudden movement around the corner. When he turned that corner he felt something hit his stomach and he fell on the ground coughing.

"Quick chain him!" the hunter said and the others did. Locking a chain around the Raven's neck making sure the emerald burned his skin. As well as his wrists. Not caring the demon was all bandaged up on his wrist and arm. They put it extra tight knowing it will hurt.

"We got him!" he shouted while making Jungkook sit on his knees trying not to give in to the pain he felt from the emeralds affecting him.

"you're quite hard to catch, it took me over fifteen men to finally get you. Do you know how expensive people are" hoseok's voice was heard. "you cost me fifteen lives. But it seems you're finally on your knees" he chuckled, walking to the chained raven. Limping slightly from his bruised rib, luckily it wasn't broken. But it still hurts like a bitch.

"I kneel to no one" Jungkook muttered glaring at the hunter.

"hmm whatever. Boss will be happy to see you" hoseok didn't seem very amused. "get him in the van, were leaving"


thank you for reading see you soon in the next chapter!


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