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While the two were heading back and nearing the mansion suddenly a black cat jumped right in front of Taehyung and ran away with a louw panicked meow. The pale raven was confused and looked at the cat then at who ran after it. seeing a dog barking and chasing the black cat. the cat who Taehyung was sure was Jimin.

"Uhm, do we need to help him?" Taehyung asked while seeing the cat and dog run circles around the fountain in the mansion garden.

"no, he can handle this. just wait until he's had enough" jungkook shrugged and that was perfect timing because after he said this. The Jimin can grow in size and growled at the dog with a deep roar, baring its fangs. Taehyung's eyes widened seeing the huge feline and the dog whimpering when running away back to its owner who was shouting in the distance for him.

"See, he can save himself," Jungkook chuckled and walked into the mansion.

Taehyung was so shocked and surprised, he was already amazed by the whole shifter idea, but he did NOT expect them to be able to do such a thing.

"hey tae!'' Jimin said now back in his human form and wrung an arm over the boy's shoulder. "How was your flying experience?"

"It was great but....what did you just do!?"

"oh, I just made myself look bigger than I actually am, it's one of our powers. we can grow into our demonic side, but that isn't well taken to humans so we just give ourselves a more earth friendly appearance, i look like a regular house cat, and Jungkook like a raven, just a bit bigger than what's considered normal."

"I see, that's really cool actually" Taehyung smiled and walked with Jimin back into the mansion. where Jungkook was sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee.

"Tae, come sit, '' Jungkook said, nodding to the chair in front of him. Jimin, who heard it was something important, let go of his friend and left the room giving them their privacy. Taehyung, who was a little confused of what was going to happen, sat down like Jungkook said, looking at his mate.

"uh, yes?"

"I wanted to ask you something." Jungkooks started and held the hot coffee cup with both hands. "I wanted to ask you if you want to live with us here? it will be safer for you to be here, the hunters won't find you here so easily."

"oh i uh....i don't know.." taehyung looked away thinking, he would like to spend more time with the others, but he didnt think doing this would be good for them and him. He didn't want to just jump into something like this. Taehyung needed time to adjust to new things. "I don't think I want to do that right' sudden."

"i understand, please think about it. I just want you safe, i can't lose you.'' Jungkook said he really feared losing taehyung to those hunters one day, having him as close as possible was the only way to keep his mate as safe as possible. but he understood the other didn't want to know. Jungkook knew he was rushing things, it was the time that was making him feel haste. There wasn't much time left.

Jungkook was running out of time.


"No, it's fine, I will manage my time for you," Jungkook smiled at the other, Jungkook had so much to do and prepare. but he will have time to watch over taehyung, he will give some things out hand to Jimin or namjoon if needed so he can be with taehyung. He had some ideas already how to do this. but it was always safer for him to be with them. They can protect taehyung until the boy can protect himself. Taehyung still had to learn many things about his new powers. the raven sighed and looked at Taehyung. "do you want to see the hunter's their place?"

"uhm, i don't think that is very safe..."

"if we shift they won't even be able to touch us. don't worry. and you have me." Jungkook said but he wished that it would be fine like he said. He doesn't want to use his full powers again, if he did he might not recover from it. it would be too much to ask of himself...

"U-uh...okay i guess..." taehyung was curious to see but he was scared that he would get hurt by going there literally to the lion's den.

"It will make you understand it all better if you see for yourself the place, we won't be able to see everything but we can see a good amount. I want you to see what they do"

"Okay, then. I will go." Taehyung will put his trust in Jungkook again and go with him. "If you're sure we will be fine."

"we will, if something happens we will just fly away. the hunters are humans, they are limited in abilities."

"Are they all human?" Taehyung frowned, remembering that their leader, Seokjin wasn't human as far as he could see, he had tentacles as far taehyung knows humans don't have those.


"I thought I saw their leader with tentacles. I don't think that's very human."

"really?" Jungkook frowned. "Are you very sure you saw that?"

"mhm. i think so"

"Okay, then. maybe he is an exception "jungkook smiled trying to make it all light again. but inside he was a little worried about that. He hadn't seen their leader like that, it seems that his suspicions of him were true, and that wasn't good news. things might get more complicated than they already were. their plan might have to be changed here and there. "we will go tonight, they are active in the dark the most. and we will be less visible in the dark"

"Okay, sounds good," Taehyung nodded.

"First we get you some food, what do you feel like having?"

"don't you have to eat too?"

"No, we don't always eat human food, it's just for the taste. I won't eat it today, only you and Yoongi will eat with you as well when he comes back"

"uh then maybe some...lasagne? something Italian is nice"

"lasagne?" jungkook looked at the other and closed the fridge, jungkook knew they didn't have a lot but they definitely won't ever have that in their fridge. They usually have ramen and some things that have a long expiration date, so they can store a lot at once. "alright, i will fly to the store real quick, i'll be right back"

"you don't have to go there, then i will just have some ramen"

"no no, I want you to enjoy the food you like. it won't take long. im fast" jungkook chuckled and patted taehyung's head lovingly. The other then didn't protest anymore and just waited for his return on the couch.


thank you for reading. see you in the next chapter!


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