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Taehyung backed away in panic not knowing where to go or what to do. who were these people, what are they doing here, why are they trying to get him. Taehyung didn't understand. He yelped when two of them ran towards him, he quickly dodged their arms and ran off towards the library, he can hide there. Namjoon can get help. The city was too far from here now.

"Go away!" he shouted at the people following. their steps were faster than his, they caught up fast and tackled him to the ground. "let go! help!" Taehyung kicked his legs at the man, the face of the attacker crunched in pain when he hit his stomach but he didnt let go. but taehyung didn't give up either, he was scared. He had bever had this happen to him, it was just a normal work day for him, but this came on his path, and he didn't like it. the people were oddly strong, they must be well trained. Now he got a closer look and he saw an odd sign on their sleeves. it looked like the half of a mask with a crossed out eye. under it were letters. it said, 'Holy shadow'.

"give me the chain!" the one pinning him down said. "quick he is really a struggle" the men had visible scars, they seem to get into fights often according to those.

"No let go of me!" Taehyung said he saw one of them holding a chain on the inside of the cuffs were green stones. "No!" he felt them force his arms up to chain them, then suddenly taehyung remembered something. that demon he met...he said to call him when he was in was his last option now, he can try, if it wont work then so be it. "jungkook"

"Stop struggling, it's no use," the man said, opening the cuffs.

"j-jungkook!" Taehyung shouted a tear escaping his eyes. He was preparing himself to get kidnapped but then he heard a scream and the weight on him disappeared. Taehyung opened his eyes, he gasped seeing blood near him on the ground. a tall black dressed figure standing right in front of his eyes. his side turned to him, taehyung saw the man's arm was in the attacker's chest, blood dripping on the ground making a puddle. its feet not touching the ground. it was jungkook, he actually came...

Jungkook looked a bit...different. His calm face had changed, he was not wearing his long coat anymore, his hands had black long nails, blood on his hands, his eyes glowing a bright purple, the whites of his eyes had turned black like it was a void. his lips turned into a grin showing rather oddly pointed teeth. His black hair that was styled to nearly now in a side split in moving in a backwards direction. He looked more like the human appearing demons he saw in the books from Namjoon's office. He looked almost exactly like it....

"Fuck, get him! that friend of him too!" the hunters began attacking jungkook. the raven chuckled and ripped his hand back out taking the man's heart with it. he crushed it before turning around to the others. easily blocking their hand which was about to stab him with the green bladed knife. he grabbed the man's neck breaking it with just a squeeze of his hand. "don't even try," Jungkook said with a chuckle. Suddenly someone came from behind him and stabbed him in the back. jungkook hissed and turned around pulling the knife back out of his chest. he looked at the almost black colored blood of his own and dropped the knife on the ground. he raised a brow at the hunter who was shocked how it didn't affect the man at all. he was sure he stabbed where his heart was located, yet jungkook didn't show even a sign of any discomfort or pain.

"Cute you even tried," Jungkook said with a grin. the wound healing right in front of their eyes. The hunter grabbed his other knife with the green blade. which made Jungkook look at the knife, his grin fading. "i-its you" the hunter was alarmed by this, this was not the regular demon he was dealing with.

"guess, you guys do your homework, but still. i cant let you live now you have seen me" jungkook said and attacked the man making sure to not let the knife's blade touch him. It was quite easy, the hunter was shocked, he must not be in this job for that long. Jungkook pushed him on the ground, holding him at the neck while slowly pushing his hand against the man's chest. his nails pinching through the flesh. "oh your blood is warm"

"S-shit" the man bit his jaw tightly to not scream out in pain. his hand reaching for the knife. He managed to get a hold of it and swung it fast at the demon on top of him, jungkook noticed just a little late and it scratched his arm before he could stop it. twisting the wrist, breaking the bones easily. Jungkook held back a pained sound, feeling his arm burn painfully.

"you little shit" jungkook hissed at him and forced his whole hand inside the man's stomach moving up to grab his heart, ripping it out violently. an angry expression while he did it. He stuffed it in the man's mouth and hit his jaw, making the man bite his own heart . blood overflowing from his mouth. "there, no more games''

Jungkook stood back up licking a bit of the blood from his hands with a humm. He then looked at Taehyung who was hiding behind his legs against a tree shaking. He sighed, the blood that was on him faded into his skin like it was absorbing it. His hair moved into that perfect model again and his eyes stopped glowing, turning back to their normal white and purple color, his nails turned normal as well. When Jungkook approached the other he winched his left hand grabbing quickly his right where the bandages were wrapped around it. but he quickly regained his posture and kneeled next to the boy.

"They are dead, you're safe for now," Jungkook said. his voice calmed again. He expected the boy to thank him and get up, but he didn't. He burst out crying which startled Jungkook, not knowing what to do. He didn't understand humans. Why do they cry? why was there a need to cry? Jungkook didn't get it, he just looked at the boy.

"t-thank you...f-for saving me" taehyung said rubbing his eyes. he looked at jungkook trying to stop crying so he can talk properly. but it was hard he was so scared just now. "w-what happened, please tell me. i d-don't know why they attack me. w-what did i do?"

"They are the hunters i told you about" jungkook sighed, he had to tell the boy more now. he wasn't planning on telling him so much from the start, it can get taehyung in more danger if he knew everything. "They hunt demons for tests and extermination, they want to get rid of all of us."

"b-but why me?"

"I can't tell you now. it's not the time" jungkook said, he had to get the boy's trust more first before telling him everything. Jungkook knew everything about taehyung already, but he couldn't tell him. He will lose the boy if he does. Taehyung won't believe him either.

"just tell me-"

"Taehyung, it's safer for you if you dont know right now, I promise I will tell you eventually. but now is not the time." Jungkook said. noticing taehyung had calmed down a bit. "but you have to call me if this happens again. I am keeping you safe for as long as I can. Jungkook said stern. he cant let the hunters get their hands on Taehyung, they will be in big trouble if that happens.

Taehyung was maybe more dangerous than jungkook was...


and an updateee woooh, i thank you for reading and im glad people are enjoying this sof ar! i hope to se you in the next update too^^


RAVEN [vkook]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum