𝐬 𝐞 𝐩 𝐭 𝐮 𝐚 𝐠 𝐢 𝐧 𝐭 𝐚 𝐪 𝐮 𝐚 𝐭 𝐭 𝐮 𝐨 𝐫

Începe de la început

"Yes, Enzo, I'm not a kid!" Gus yelled back and I rolled my eyes.

"No yelling!" I yelled, rubbing my temple as Flavio smirked.

"You yelled." This little—

"I will murder you." I threatened him and Flavio shut his mouth right away.

"You two will have some psycho kids." I immediately glanced at Lorenzo, seeing him looking at me already with a small smile, his smile widening once we made eye contact as he looked away.

I wanna know what goes through this man's head.

"Did you wash your fucking hands?" Lorenzo pointed the knife at Gus who had rushed in with the rest of the boys.

All of them exercising and playing basketball, practicing for their match coming up. All in shorts as most of them were shirtless, all sweaty.


"Don't you lie to me, kid." Lorenzo raised a brow and Gus just stood there like the dumbass he is.

"No." He sighed and Lorenzo pursed his lips, watching Gus as he walked to the sink to wash his hands.

"Get in line! Wash your hands and come collect your plates." All the boys had rushed and Lorenzo pulled a face of disgusting, wiping their sweat off his arm. "Like civilised people, boys, we are not cavemen."

He'll be a good father one day. I hope because I don't need to baby him too along with a child.

They all grabbed their plates and sat down around Flavio and I; Gus next to me as his sweat rubbed off on my arm and I gagged.

"Flavio, move, I can't stand these disgusting boys." Flavio and I had rushed away quickly and away from the table, checking the time on my phone.

"Today's your day off, where'd you need to be?" Flavio asked noticing my face as I had checked the time and I sighed, no where really.

It's weird for me to just be sitting idle now, I'm used to the busy life.

"With me, I'm taking you on a shopping date so go get changed, you have two hours," Lorenzo walked over as he took mine and Flavio's empty coffee cups.

He kissed my forehead, smiling down at me and he smelled so good; the refreshing scent of his body wash, like a sea breeze with a blend of other sweet scents.

"Ugh," Flavio looked between us. "You know, I was so for this relationship before but now I'm getting left out, I'm happy to third wheel." He joked and Lorenzo sniggered, cupping my face with one hand as he made me look up, pecking my lips before walking off.

"That's sad," I told him as I patted his chest. "Oh, actually—" I spun around to face him. "Show Clyde around, tell him how things work here, show him the safe house but the main one not the others and uh... do whatever you think is right." I smiled and Flavio nodded.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Where'd you disappear off to?" I questioned Lorenzo how was now waiting in the booth where I was getting changed.

This is so nice, each changing room has it's own little room, each wall made of mirrors and a curtain to separate the area where I got changed.

"Nowhere," He smiled softly, signalling for me to come out the room. Nowhere my ass, I can tell when he's up to something. "Lemme see how beautiful you look," He had sat down with a man spread; his black Armani suit fitting him so well as the rich scent of his cologne filled the room.

I confidently stepped out, the black lace lingerie I wore inside visible through the black mesh that stuck to my figure; my hip slightly stuck out as my arm rested on the wall.

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