Part 23: Enemy & Unknown1 exposed

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I could see tears in her eyes with an smile on her lips. She closed her mesmerising eyes for few seconds and opened them and said.

"Ace, I Love You too"

I was on cloud nine, she too loves me. I thought she would ask for some time but man I am so happy. I am glad I showed courage to confess my feelings today.

I hold her face in my hands, and slowly got closer to her and we shared our first kiss. That was so magical. After few minutes we began our journey.

"Now my most memorable moment is our first kiss" I said with smile. She blushed.

After dropping her I was on my way to my house. When suddenly I saw few guys were standing in between the road. I stopped the car and pressed horn but they were just standing there. After few seconds I got out of the car and one of the guy came near me and tackled me against the car. There were around four guys, I started fighting with them but at the end they shoved me in the backseat of my car. Two sat beside me and others sat in the front seats.

They took me to some abandoned warehouse. I was forcefully taken inside the warehouse where I could see someone sitting on the chair with dim lights on. I was told to sit on the chair opposite the man. The bright lights were switched on. Now I could see whose sitting in front of me, it's Uncle Everette.

"How are you my boy?" He asked with an evil smile.

"Why am I brought here?" I asked him confused.

"Well, you see, I was dead bend on breaking the family bond" He said looking at me. Now I was curious about what he has to say.

"And I succeeded in it with flying colours" He continued with proud smile. I was confused.

"You didn't got what I am saying, well let me straight away tell you, I am the cause for the misunderstanding between you and Luke. I trapped you" He said.

"You did all this so you could create an dispute between us" I said with anger.

"Yes" He agreed proudly.

"But how you executed all this alone...unless you have someone working for you from college" I said.

"You are smart Ace" He said.

"Yes I had someone supporting me in all this, let's call that person now, shall we?" He said.

I could hear someone's footsteps.

"Here she comes" Uncle said. She??

From corner came the Julia. She was working for him, all this time.

"You?" I said little shocked.

"Yes I am the one who locked the bathroom and boys room's door" She said with an smile on her face.

"But why?" I asked.

"You and your so called friends were treating me like a trash, you were always around me but ever since you are with your new friends, especially that girl named Ava, you had started drifting away from me and I didn't like that" She said.

"But even you can't do all this alone, there must be few more" I asked looking at Julia.

"Yes, I have one more member whose working for me beside Julia, but for now will keep that person under wrap" Uncle said.

"When Everette offered me an opportunity to have you back in my life, I agreed" Julia continued. I was confused, what does she mean, back in her life?

"You seem confused, well she means that you have to stay away from your group of friends and that girl, what's her name, yes Ava, what an beautiful name just like the person herself" He said.

"Don't take her name from your filthy mouth" I warned. He started laughing.

"Okay I can see you love her, this is going to be fun" He said.

"Why should I listen to you" I said angrily.

He signalled one of his man something, the man went to a table where an computer was kept, he operated it and screen was on. I could see some photos and videos in it.

"Ace, I have been keeping an eye on our family members for past few days" Uncle said.

"Now will include Ava's name too in this list" He continued.

"The point here is, if you don't agree to do as we say, one of your near ones life is at risk, and for now our first target will be Ava" He concluded.

I was shocked, I never knew uncle could sink so low to get revenge on us. I thought for a while and finally made my mind.

"What I have to do?" I asked dishearten.

A smile made its way on uncles and Julia's face. They succeeded in whatever they have planned. I feel so ashamed and worthless. I can't let anything happen to Ava. I have to protect her, even if it's to stay away from her.

Thank you!😊

Destined LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon