Part 20: Match missed

Start from the beginning

"Hey everyone" Nick said sitting beside Luke.

Ever since he has joined the football team he has been a part of our group. One of the second year boy got sick and has to leave the team, that's when Nick stepped in. I could see everyone has mingled well with him, especially Luke. As he is the captain, he and Nick practice one hour extra, as Nick has joined in last two weeks, Luke is teaching him few of the tricks and strategies for the game, that's how they have become close friends.

It is the day of final football match.
For this year:
Following are the teams-
1. First year vs Final year (First half)
2. Second year vs Third year (post lunch)

Below are the team captains:
1. First year: Jimmy
2. Second year: Luke
3. Third year: Ace
4. Final year: Gary

In first half, the final year team played awesome I have to say the first years are good in this game, but ultimately final years won the match by one point.

It is lunch time, I am with my team, eating and discussing our game strategies. I could see other team is also geared up for this match. Luke was bit nervous, but I know he will led the team well. I would be very happy, if he win today against us. He deserves it, he has practiced really hard. Once done with my lunch, I got up and went to keep my plate at the counter. I saw Luke was already standing there,

"Hey, best luck for the game bro" he said once he saw me.

"Best luck Luke, don't worry you have practiced hard for this game you will do great" I said to him with smile. He nodded his head.

"May the best team win" he said.

"I would be happy to see you win brother" I said tapping his shoulder and with that I went towards my team who were waiting for me.

Everyone is at the playground. In ten minutes match will start. I was motivating my team, when I heard some loud noises coming from opposite team. We got to know that Luke was missing. No one knew where he is. Match was postponed for further fifteen minutes. I could see our group was at the ground chatting and worried. Me, Liam and Josh went towards them.

"Hey where is Luke?" I asked worriedly. Everyone knows he's not an irresponsible person.

"We are trying to call him but it's showing not reachable" Sean said.

"His mobile might be in locker" Ava said.

"We should start looking for him everywhere" Keith said.

"Yes let's go" Nick said,

"No, you guys be here, me, Ava, Keith, Sean and Reva will go and search for him, you guys can't leave the ground" Ryan said.

"Yes, he is right" Reva said.

"But I want to come, I am worried, he never does anything like this" Lily said little panicked.

"Don't worry we will find him, he might be somewhere near only, besides you are cheerleader you need to be here" Ava comforted Lily.

With that they left the ground in search of Luke. I was panicking, he is my little brother and he was most excited for this match. He should have told someone in the group if something came up. I hope he's fine and comes sooner.

The fifteen minutes are up and still there is no trace of Luke. The Coach came and announced that the match will begin now and Ricky will be the new captain of the second year team. Everyone was shocked. I saw my group who were now in the audience, I could see defeated and sad look on there faces. Where is Luke?

I went to the Coach, so I could convince him to wait for few more minutes. But he denied, saying the Trusty has asked to start the match, as he has to leave early.

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