"Huh?" Bakugo's train of thought was interrupted by Nakano.

"What agency are you gonna go to?" she asked again, moving her backpack to the front of her body and pulling out her draft list.

"Not sure," he said, looking at the ground as they walked.

"Well, I don't blame you. You probably have a lot to choose from," Nakano said, flipping through the pages of requests.

"As if you don't, too," he scoffed.

"Well, I've more or less made my decision already. See," Nakano said, holding up her stack.

Next to the first listed agency, there was a hand-drawn star in purple ink.

She'd chosen Endeavor Agency.

"You're going to Endeavor's place?" Bakugo asked judgmentally.

"Yup, Todoroki asked if I wanted to go with him, so I said yes."

Bakugo's eye twitched.

"So you're going there because of Half and Half?" he asked, a bit mad for some reason.

"Kind of," Nakano said. "During break, we were talking about the draft, and Todoroki said his dad would make him go to his agency and that he at least wanted to have someone he knew there. He asked if I wanted to go, and it's not like I really had a preference, so I agreed."

"It's just gonna be you and him alone?" Bakugo asked, his anger growing exponentially. Nakano seemed a bit put-off by his behavior, raising an eyebrow.

"No, Midoriya said he'd go too since he wants to work with the number one hero and whatnot."

Bakugo was silent.

Though he had no idea why there seemed to be a significant part of him that didn't want to let Nakano go to Endeavor's agency. Maybe it was because he was attached to her as a friend? Or he wanted to keep her safe from Deku and Todoroki in case they tried something weird. Not that he thought they ever would, but you could never be too sure.

Whatever the case he wasn't going to let her go to Endeavor Agency.

At least, not without him.

"Fine," he muttered.

"Fine... what?"

"I'll go to Endeavor Agency."

Nakano grinned, making clear how excited she was that he was going to go too.

"Yay! I didn't think you would actually wanna go considering it's a bunch of people you hate..."

"Plus you," Bakugo said, making Nakano laugh.

Ah, shit, was that weird of me to say? Whatever, she liked it.

"I hope I can make the experience more tolerable for you," she smiled.

"We'll see about that..."


About a week had passed, and it was finally time for their first day of the work study. Since there were fewer classes in second-year, they were let out of school early to go to whatever agency they had agreed to work with.

Kuri, Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki all walked together towards the train station. On the long trek there, Kuri and Midoriya chatted to pass the time. Sometimes, she caught Bakugo side-eyeing them and frowning. Maybe he was just annoyed by Midoriya or something. She loved him, but he really needed to resolve things with Midoriya already.

Eventually, they arrived at the station and hopped on the train. By that time, other schools nearby had let out already, so the train car was mostly occupied by students.

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