Benny- Where are you? Part 5

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It was almost two in the morning. I was sitting at my desk, with papers sprawled out infront of me. My eyelids drooped every do often, before I snapped them back open.

I had recovered every peice of information I could find, Her past history, work files, anything I could find. But I couldn't find anything that even hinted to what could have happened.

Sometime later, I fell asleep.


I stirred a little, then sat back up in my chair.


I opened my eyes to see Beth Harmon standing there. Her long white coat over her, buttoned all the way up. Her red Bob styled to curl up at the bottom, just touching her shoulders.


"Did you fall asleep on your chair?" She asked taling her coat off.

"Yeah, I think so"

She picked up a piece of paper, inspecting it then put it back down, going over to the kitchen. Grabbing a cup to start making coffie.

"I don't think you're going to find anything, she's just, vanished"

"She's somewhere"

"But you can't find her like this" She came and put a cup next to me " You need professional help"

"I had professional help"

I took the cup and savored a sip. It wasn't as nice as Y/n's coffie, but by far better than the way I made it.

"What happened?" She sat down.

"The authorities made him drop the case. Apparently they had more severe cases to work on, instead of messing around with a useless case"

"I know you miss her Benny, but you can't carry on living like this. You haven't been sleeping, cleaning, leaving the apartment. What if she doesn't come back, are you just going to keep doing it?"

"She'll come back"

"But if she won't?"

I grabbed my empty cup and took it over to the sink.

"She will, she has too"

"You want her too" She came over to where I was standing " But if she doesn't, you can't live like this"

"I know"

She smiled and brushed the hair out of my eyes.

"I like your hair"

I clenched my jaw and shook my head, turning the tap on to start washing the dishes.


"Beth, that was ages ago"

"I know"

"Missing or not, she's still my girlfriend. Besides you were the one who pushed me away"

"Maybe I regret pushing you away"

"It's too late now, I love someone else"

"Your loss, she doesn't even have a proper job" She grabbed her coat " A writer, supposedly, I've never seen a book written by her"

"She's still working on it, she put it on hold to help me with my book, something you wouldn't do because you only focus on yourself, I'm sorry Beth, she's just better for me"

"Suit yourself, but I don't see how you think you're going to find her when the police are busy with a girl who got  axed in half" She said.

"I'll find a wa- hold on how do you know about that?"

"I was talking to the police about my restraining order and overheard it, bye Benny" She left.

I went back to do the dishes, then proceeded to clean up the apartment a bit more. When I finished, I sat down to play some chess and the phone rang.


"Hey Benny it's Mr June"

"Oh hi Mr June" I sighed " No hope in getting the case back?"

"I'm working on it, but with no suspects, and no evidence of her being abducted, I can't get the case back"

"They still pondering over the girl who got axed down the lake?" I asked with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah they- Wait? Axed?"


"Benny, they never said anything about the murder weapon, it hasn't been identified yet"


"They haven't found the murder weapon"

"But- oh my god"

"Benny, do you know something?"

"I just found our suspect"

"Who? What do you mean?"

"Today, an old friend came to visit me, before she left she said something about the girl who got axed down by the lake the other day, how could she know the girl was axed-"

"Unless she was there"

"If Y/n was at the lake that day too, that means Beth was the last person to see her"

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