Chapter 12

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Next morning

"when we played we were doing hide and seek. I was hiding behind a bush. I was so excited. I saw you passing by me but I stayed hidden. Suddenly I felt a big hit on the back of my head and that's all I remember. I woke up in a room, brightly lighted. I panicked and started to cry. Hearing my cries a woman who was in late twenties came to the room. She had kind eyes and a soft smile. Actually she was really pretty" jungguk giggled.


"who are you? Where am I?" the boy snuggled into the blanket. He looked like an innocent deer.

"don't panic sweetheart, I'm not a bad person. Are you hungry?"

Gukkie nodded slowly.

"Come on darling, I made you some food to eat" she held his hand and directed him to the dining room. There was a handsome man in the room drinking his coffee.

"hello buddy, how are you?" he asked smiling at him.

"fine" he hid behind the woman's skirt. They chuckled.

"Come on baby let me help you to sit on the chair" the woman picked Gukkie and made him sit on the chair. She gave him some pancakes and strawberries to him. He immediately started to eat like a hungry puppy. The couple looked at the adorable baby.

"so baby, what is your name?" the man asked after gukk finished eating.

"don't remember" he pouted and looked down sadly.

"it's okay baby, go and watch some cartoons. The living room is just there" the woman pointed to a direction. Gukkie got down from the woman's help and ran to the living room turning on the tv.

"No wonder. Considering the swell and the wound he had on the back of his head, he has a chance of loosing memory" the man said.

"what do we do now?"he asked from the lady.

"can we keep him? I mean the person left him at our door and we know that I also can't get pregnant. This is a chance god gave us. Please kai. I already love him. He is soo adorable" the woman pleaded.

"hmm....ok they left him here mean they don't want him. He was even bruised. I'm sure we can give all the love he deserves. We can keep him jennie. But we have to ask him first"

The couple went to Gukkie who was watching bugs bunny giggling at the cartoon. The couple's hearts swelled in adoration and love. The lady went to him and slowly sat down next to him while the man sat on the other side.

"sweetheart listen, you don't remember anything right?" Gukkie nodded.

"don't be sad ok?" he again nodded and pouted.

"we found you in front of our house unconscious. You were injured. And someone had left you here. We don't know if you have parents-" Gukkie started to cry.

"baby don't cry. You have us" kai took him on to his lap and wrapped him protectively by his arms.

After a while gukki calmed down.

"baby do you want to see your parents?"

Gukk shook his head.

"they left me because they don't want me Mr. And I don't even remember them. Can-can I stay w-ith you?" he asked giving puppy eyes. The couple beamed in happiness.

"of course sweetheart" jennie hugged him tightly.

"are you my parents now?" he asked giving big doe eyes.

"if you want us to be baby"

"yes" he jumped on jennie's lap.

"then I'm your mom and this is your dad"

Baby Mafia And Daddy Nerd 🐯✖🐰Where stories live. Discover now