Chapter 6

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Time skip 2 weeks

Everyone was surprised to know about little kookie nonetheless everybody loved him and didn't forget to shower him with love. He was in little space since the day taehyung found out about it and since then he hadn't come out of it. He got used to refer his mafia members with different names. He called namjoon appa, jin mama, hoseok hoba, yoongi as kitty, jimin as mochi and his taehyung as taetae. He was everyone's baby and he used his puppy eyes whenever he wanted something and if he didn't get it he would throw a tauntrum for sure. So taehyung decided to make some rules for the little. He called kookie and kookie waddled to him with a blanket dragging along with him on the floor.

"yes taetae?" he asked with bit bambi curiose eyes.

"kookie you know you are misbehaving these days. So we are going to set some rules for you"

"Noo noo rules please. Kookie loves taetae... No rules" he gave puppy eyes.

"No baby they are a must and if you don't brake them you will get rewards but if you brake them you will get punishments"

The little nodded with his lips jutted out in a small pout.


*always tell dady if you need something
*always ask daddy before eating or drinking something
*no shouting at daddy or any other one who is older than you
*bed time is 9.30 p.m.
*always tell daddy if you are uncomfortable


*time out in the corner
*no hugs and kisses from taetae
*early bed time
*no TV or any device
*no talking with taetae
*no ice-cream or candies

"what do you want for rewards baby?"

"candies , hugs, kisses, TV, cuddles , ice cream, more toys " he said excitedly.


*more candies for baby
*hugs and kisses from taetae
*extra cuddle time
*ice cream (any flavour baby want)
*extra screen time
*new toys for baby
*late bed time

Time skip

In the evening they all were watching a movie, frozen to be exact since there was a toddler with them. Kookie was snuggling to taehyung's chest sucking on his paci.


" did you come out of littlespace?"

"yes omg. I'm sorry I troubled you guys. I didn't want this to happen" jungkook said feeling guilty.

"what trouble jungkook? You were so cute. We loved every moment of the past days"

"really? Wasn't it a trouble?"

"No baby, not at all" taehyung kissed him on the cheek.

"Hey is it your first time being in little space for so long?" he asked curiously. Jungkook shook his head. Others gasped.

"w-who took care of you? Cause obviously you can't take care of yourself" namjoon stuttered. Jungkook shrugged.

"No one. I just lock my room door so kookie can't open it and when he get hungry or scared or sad he just cry himself to sleep. And the next day kookie is gone and I wake up. When I go into baby space it's same. Since the room is soundproof no one can hear me. That's it" he said with a shrug.

"that's it? Baby why didn't you tell jin hyung or someone. All the people here love you so much. Why would you suffer alone?" taehyung asked sadly.

"May be I didn't trust them enough, or may be my insecurities took over. How can I trust someone when my own parents abandoned me when I was thirteen for acting like a three year old? My parents tae. They are my parents. They threw me to the road like a piece of shit one night. All because I cried saying I was scared and hungry. I was freezing to death, I didn't have anything to eat, until one-day a man found me. He took me in and treated me like his own child. But he wanted something in return. He wanted me to become the heir to his gang. I hid about my little side since the day my parents threw me out.

Flash back

"mommy I'm scared and hungwy, please give me food"

"what is this jungkook? Talk properly you shit. I don't want an abnormal child" she shouted.

"mommy I'm kwookie not junkook" little kookie said sadly.

"that shit is useless. Just taking space and wasting food. Throw him out" Mr. Jeon screamed and took his belt.


"nwoo pwapa...hurts"

"shut up useless thing" he screamed with venom dripping hia voice. Eyes red with anger. He continued to hit little kookie while his wife watched everything calmly with crossed arms.

After hitting for about more 15 minutes he stopped. And now there was Jungkook not kookie.

"e-eomma....w-whyy?" he cried.

"we don't want you. You are a disgrace and an unfortunate creature. Junghyung throw him out. I'm going to make dinner" she said getting up from the couch.

Mr. Jeon harshly grabbed jungkook from his bunny printed t-shirt and dragged him on the floor. He opened the door and threw Jungkook out like trash closing the door behind him. Jungkook just laid there for an hour cause he didn't have any energy left in him. He hasn't eaten a anything for 3 days and only got belt hits and cuts. After getting some energy he stood up weakly and dragged his aching body to the near by park and fell on a wooden bench immediately passing out.

Flashback ends

"kook, Jungkook, baby look at me. Breath please" jungkook felt a tap on his cheek. He looked up in daze. He saw taehyung's figure before he passed out.


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