Chapter 48: Goodbye: Lily

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"Do you mind if I go find George?" I asked.
"No, we were just going to round everyone up and tell them about what is happening." McGonagall said.
I nodded and Draco rolled me out of the room. Blaise and Pansy followed.
"Stop." I said. Draco stopped pushing me. I slowly stood up.
"Lily what's wrong?" Blasie asked.
I walked over to him and gave him a hug.
"Thank you. For all you have done for me." I said, giving him a light kiss on the cheek.
"Lily, if you're saying goodbye." Blaise said, but I stopped him.
"Let me." I said. He nodded.
"Pansy." I smiled walking over to her.
"Lily." She said pulling me in for a hug.
"Get your studio. When this war is over. Get your studio. Make the cloths people will wear." I smiled.
"Ok." She said with a light smile.
I walked over to Draco. Pansy and Blasie nodded then left.
"Lily, if you're going to give me a heartfelt goodbye. I must say I don't want it." Draco said.
"Well too bad. You're getting it." I smiled.
"I should have protected you." He said into my hair.
"It's alright. It's not your fault. Draco you are amazing. You will do amazing things don't let this hold you back." I said with a light smile.
"I love you." He said into my hair.
"Awe. I love you too." I said, giving him a light kiss on the cheek. "We are still fighting together tomorrow, yeah?" I said.
"You better believe it. We make an amazing team." He said.
"We really do." I laughed.
"Lily?" A voice asked and I turned to see Harry.
"Harry." I smiled. He walked up to me, and I gave him a hug. "I will be fine, Draco. Go." I said.
Draco turned and walked away.
"I got a choice, Lily." Harry said.
"What?" I asked.
"When I died as a horcrux I've got a choice. Maybe you will have a choice." Harry said.
"If I have a choice. I don't know what I would pick." I said.
"I don't blame you. I had a hard time deciding as well." Harry said.
"If I do have a choice and if I pick to not come back. Please take care of Teddy." I said.
"Of course." He said.
He slowly walked me to George's room.
"He deserves to know." Harry said.
"You're right." I said opening the door. George was sitting on his floor surrounded by books.
"Lily! You're here! I have a few Ideas I want to run past you." He said taking my hand from Harry.
"Bye Harry." I said.
"Goodbye Lily." He said closing the door.
"I think we may be able to not make you a horcrux it will take time but we-" He said but I stopped him.
"We are going to war tomorrow." I said.
"It's too soon, there is no way." George said.
"Shh. Just lay with me right now, ok? We can settle that in the morning." I said walking over to his bed.
I laid down and he laid beside me. I scooted over and laid my head on his chest. He gently rubbed my arm.
"I love you." I said giving him a kiss.
"I love you too." He smiled.
I fell asleep listening to the gentle beating of George's heart.

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