Chapter 21: Ministry Attack: George

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"Good morning." Ginny said, waking me.

"Oh yes great morning, you-know-who is still out there, my girlfriend or is it my ex now? I don't know is rising in power and is becoming stronger so yeah good morning." I said.

"She has done something else." Ginny said.

"What?" I asked.

"Come on." She said pulling me out of bed.

"Ginny what is it?" I asked.

"Just wait. Kingsley wanted me to wake you" She said. We walked into the war room and everyone looked at me.

"Does he know?" Kingsley asked. Ginny shook her head.

"Know what?" I asked. Kingsley tossed me a paper. It had a photo of Lily sitting at a desk with her feet on the desk and Draco standing behind her chair.

"New Minister of Magic!

By: Rita Skeeter

As of 5 pm last night there is a new Minister of Magic! Lily Black killed the old minister Thickness and has now taken on the role of Minister of Magic!

It is amazing how fast this little witch gained power. After joining the Dark Lord 3 years ago, Lily has become as powerful as the dark lord himself! It is honestly amazing.

I remember when I first wrote an article about her all those years ago after her real identity was revealed. I never thought she would have turned into such a powerful goddess! I mean did you see that dress and those shoes?

Also pictured is her cousin Draco Malfoy who we have learned is her second in command. We believe they will make a powerful ruling duo. I can't wait to see what these two have in store for the Wizarding World!"

I read over the article multiple times.

"She is Minister of Magic?" I asked.

"Most likely under the you-know-who's orders. But yes, she is." Kingsley said.

"We never thought this could happen. We never thought he would do this." McGonagall said.

"Still think she can be saved?" Kingsley asked.

"I have to believe. It is the only way I am getting through this is to believe that she will be able to be saved." I sighed.

"George the girl who did this is not the same girl who left you 3 years ago." Ron said.

"I don't care. You can think what you want but the only way I am getting through this is to believe that she can be saved, to believe that we will get our happily ever after." I said looking away.

"What is our plan now?" Ron asked.

"I don't know. We need to re-group. I know we were considering taking the Ministry, but I don't think that is possible now." McGonagall said.

"But how often will Lily really be at the ministry? I mean she travels at least once a week under you-know-who's orders. She is his top assassin. She does everything for him, she negotiates, she kills, she takes over things." Ron said. I flinched at the word assassin.

"True. We still have our eyes in the Ministry so we can see how often she is really there." McGonagall said.

"Hopefully we can figure out a way to take the Ministry." Ron said.

"If we do, you don't think they're just not going to take it back?" I asked.

"They may. But we won't know unless we try. We need to do recon first because if we attack when Lily is not there we will be more able to take it. If she is there we are out of luck." Kingsley said.

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