Chapter 22: Tether: Lily

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"Welcome home Minister." Blaise laughed when I entered.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"How does it feel to be Minister of Magic?" Pansy asked.

"It feels like nothing. I mean you know that I will really have no choice in what happens. I will just be the one enforcing it." I sighed. I felt lightheaded and grabbed onto a chair.

"Lily?" Blaise said, looking alarmed.

"I am fine. I think I just need to go rest." I said, making my way to my bedroom.

"What's wrong with her?" Pansy asked.

"I have no idea." Blaise sighed.

I closed the door and slumped against it. While I felt horrible, I wanted to go visit him. I had discovered a few years back that I was tethered to some people who had connections to me. I found this out by accidentally using the tether to Draco. When I asked him about it later he said he saw nothing.

I also found out I was tethered to the dark lord. That one was really no surprise. The one that did surprise me was that I was tethered to George. I could go see him whenever I wanted. Once I visited him and he was playing with Teddy. I had to leave fast because of my vow I made but not before I sniffed his head. He still smelled the same.

I laid down onto my bed and pulled the tether to George. When I opened my eyes, I was standing in a room. I looked around and found George working out on the flood. I stood and just watched him. I heard the door open and Hermione came in.

"Hey Moine." He said while doing push-ups.

"Hey George." She said sitting onto the bed.

They sat in silence as he worked out.

"Did you need something?" He asked when he stood up showing off his very toned body. It was clear he did this a lot.

"I wanted to say I was sorry." She sighed.

"For what?" He asked.

"For not stopping her that night." Hermione said, looking away.

"You could not have stopped her and you know that." He said sitting on the bed.

"Maybe I could have. You don't know." She said.

"Maybe you could have, maybe I could have convinced her to come with me that night at the manor. We can change the past." He said.

"Lily?" A voice called shaking me. I looked around but it was not here so it must be the tether. I took one last look at George and let it go. When I opened my eyes, Draco was shaking me.

"What happened?" I asked, looking at his scared face.

"You were spasming." Draco said. I looked away. "You used the tether, didn't you?" Draco asked. I nodded.

"I had to." I said.

"Lily, you know that makes your condition worse!" He said exasperated.

"I had to see him. Draco you don't understand the pain I am knowing he is out there. Knowing that the love of my life is out there somewhere, and I can't go to him!" I said.

"I know it can't be easy but, Lily, you can't keep doing this." Draco said.

I let out a huff.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"I came in, Blaise and Pansy told me you almost passed out in the kitchen." He said, looking at me. I looked away. "I came in here, found you spasming, pulled you out and now we are here." He said.

"I am sorry." I said.

"I know." He said, rubbing my head. "You should go to the doctor." He said.

"Yeah, I know." I said getting up and putting cold water on my face.

"It won't change anything. They will tell me I need to stop using it. I will say ok, leave, and nothing will change." I sighed.

"Lily maybe-" He said but stopped when he saw my expression.

"Please don't push it." I said.

"You should not go in today." He said.'

"I have to. I am the new Minister of Magic. I have no choice." I sighed.

"Lily." Draco said warningly.

"Don't. I have too." I said. He nodded.

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