Chapter 18: Training: Lily

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"What happened?" Draco asked as we walked out.

"I became a horcrux." I said walking to the fireplace.

When I stepped out, I was back home.

"Lily are you alright?" Blaise said walking close. He quickly stepped back.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"You're full of dark energy and magic. Lily, what happened? You look different too." He asked.

"Lily?" Draco said behind me.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Did you use floo powder?" He asked.

"No, I don't think I grabbed any. I meant to, then I was just home." I said.

"Lily you floo'd without powder." Draco gasped.

"What happened in that manor?" Pansy asked.

"I am going to bed." I walked into my bedroom.

When I walked in, I went to look in the mirror. My skin was paler than usual. My cheekbones showed more. My face looked hollower.

I felt magic pulsing through my veins. I snapped and I was in a different outfit. What happened to me?

I laid down on my bed and fell right asleep.

"Lily?" A voice said, shaking me.

I woke up to see Draco.

"Draco?" I asked.

"It is time." He said.

"Alright." I sat up. I snapped and my outfit changed. I waved my hands over my face and my hair. Makeup was applied to my face and my hair was pulled back.

"Lily?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I said.

"You are kind of very powerful now and you're using your magic to change clothes and do your hair?" Draco laughed.

I shrugged.

"I wanna try something." I said, grabbing his hand. Before I knew it we were at the dark lord manor.

"You can't apparate into his manor. He has a defiance where that can't happen." Draco said.

"I can." I said. We walked forward to the drawing room.

"Ah, Lily! You're here. I am excited to see your training." Voldemort said.

"I too am very excited, my lord." I said. Standing on one side of the floor. Draco walked across to the other side.

I shot a spell at him, and he barely dodged it. I threw another spell at him and it hit him in the chest. He threw a spell back at me, but it missed me. He tried again and it missed. I shot one back at him and he went flying. He flew back almost into a wall, but I stopped him just in time and he fell to the floor.

"Wow." Voldemort said, clapping. "You are amazing." Voldemort smiled. "You are quite powerful." He said. "I want you to try more people. Bellatrix, Lucius, Rabastain, Rodolphus step up." He said they did.

"Four against one? Easy my lord." Rodolphus said. I turned my head to the side and smiled. I flicked my wrist, and he went flying.

He made an oof sound as he hit the wall.

"One down, three left." I smiled. Rabastain fired a spell at me. I blocked them while fighting Bellatrix.

"Crucio!" I called and Rabastan fell to the floor. "Two." I said.

I fired a simple stunning spell at Lucius and he fell. "One." I smirked.

"50 gallons says Bellatrix beats her." A voice said.

"100 gallons that she wins." Blaise said.

"Go for her feet then when she jumps hit her." A voice in my head said. Draco.

I shot a spell at her feet, and she fell. She jumped then I shot a spell at her and she fell. She rolled over and stood back up.

"Cousins got fight in her." Bellatrix smiled.

I shot a spell at her and she fired back.

"Enough!" I yelled and a black light shot out then Bellatrix fell.  "Zero." I smiled.

"She wins." Blaise said.

"Very good Lily!" Voldemort smiled. "You have a lot of potential."

"Thank you my lord." I smiled. I know it was dark magic,

but I felt very powerful and honestly I did not want the feeling to go away.

The Fading Lilyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن