Chapter 20: Minister Of Magic: Lily

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"Good job Lily." Voldemort praised me when I brought back another Order member

"Thank you my lord." I said.

I had been doing this for 3 years. After I became a Horcrux and became full of dark magic I rose to be his number one.

When he needed anything, he turned to me. Shortly after I got all my power my face was plastered to every newspaper saying how I would be the next dark lord. The thought frightened me. I never wanted to do this.

I still hated this with every part of my being. I would only talk to Draco about it. He was the only one I trusted enough. He was the only one I would crumble in front of. We slowly became the team to beat. Voldemort would send us into battle together and we would come out victorious. We became an unstoppable team. Draco would be on defense, and I would be on offence. Not that I needed it seeing as I could only die by sword of Gryffindor or Basilisk fang but that did not mean I could not be hurt.

People speculated about how good we were in battle together. There really was no reason for it besides the skill we had.

"I have a new job for you Lily." Voldemort said. Breaking me out of my thoughts.

"My lord?" I asked curious.

"You know you are my number one, yes?" He asked

"I do my lord." I said simply.

"I would like you to assassinate the Minister of Magic. He is of no use anymore. I need a new Minister of Magic. I would like that to be you." Voldemort smiled. This was not what I expected.

"You want me to become Minister of Magic?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, your powerful, resourceful you are everything I need in a Minister." He smiled. "What do you say?" He asked.

"I say when should he be dead by?" I smirked. This was my life now. Assassinating whomever Voldemort needed me too.

"As soon as possible. Draco, step forward." Voldemort said. Draco stepped forward.

"My lord?" He asked.

"I would like you to be at her side. Her second in command. You make a powerful duo."  Voldemort said.

"We make a very powerful duo." Draco smiled. "I would be honored." He smiled.

"You leave as soon as possible." Voldemort said.

"After you, Minister." Draco joked as the doors opened.

"I need a new outfit." I said.

"Seriously?" Draco laughed.

"I am about to become Minister of Magic. I need a new outfit." I said smiling. I snapped my fingers and was in a Black dress that was slim fitting and had a small train. "Yeah?" I asked spinning.

"You look ready to take over the world." He laughed.

"That's what I was going for." I smiled. With Draco I laughed and smiled despite where we were. "Let's go make me Minister." I said, grabbing his arm and apperating away to the Ministry.

"Miss Black what are you doing here?" Thickness said.

"The dark lord said your time of power is over." I smiled.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Avada Kedavra!" I said and he slumped in his seat. My smile faltered for a slight second.

"Still hate it." I said slipping my wand back into my dress.

"I know." Draco said, waving his wand and the body disappeared.

I walked over and sat down in the seat.

"Minister." Draco said, giving a light bow.

"Thank you." I said putting my feet up onto the desk.

People came running in.

"I am the new Minister of Magic. Dark lords orders." I smirked at the people. People came in and took photos of Draco and I.

"Put this in the papers by morning." I said. "The world should know there is a new Minister." I smirked.

"Anything else?" The photographer asked.

"That's all." I said pushing him out with magic and closing the door. Draco laughed.

"I have all this power, might as well use it for something." I shrugged.

"Lily, you know what the doctor's have said." Draco sighed.

"That if I keep going at the rate I am, my soul will corrupt, my brain will fail, and I will die? Yes I remember." I sighed. "You don't let me forget." I said.

"Yes, but I am also the one who covers for you when you're sick from your use of it. I am the one who holds you while you shake from the use of it. I am the only one who knows what this is doing to you so I am the only one who can stop you." Draco sighed. 

"Trust me I am not loving slowly dying either, but I have to keep it up." I said.

"Maybe you should tell someone else." Draco offered.

"Like who?" I asked.

"Blaise and Pansy, They could help. Blaise knows some healing, maybe there is something we could do?" Draco said.

"Draco, you know there is no cure for this. There is no way to stop it." I said taking his hands. "I don't want you to die." He sniffed, almost crying.

"Shh, I will be ok.  The doctors say if I use it less, I have a good 3-5 years left. Plus, they don't know I am a Horxux so maybe I won't die from it. I said

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