Chapter 25: Attack: George

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"You ready?" Ron asked as we readied to go attack the Ministry.

"As ready as I can be." I smiled.

"It will be fine." He said. I nodded.

The inside source had told us that Lily in her 3 months of being Minister was rarely ever there. I looked once again at the newspaper article that was released about Malfoy's birthday. Lily was pictured raising a glass.

"Malfoy Birthday Bash!

By:Rita Skeeter

Let me start this by saying a big Happy Birthday to Draco Malfoy! I hope you have had a wonderful year and many more to come!

We were lucky enough to receive a quote from the birthday boy. We asked him the question of who changed his life the most besides the dark lord.

            'Honestly Rita? Besides the dark lord, I think I would have to say my cousin, Lily Black. I know that is a cliche answer and some will say I said it because she is the Minister but the truth is, I said it because she is amazing. She always surprises me in what she can do and she is very kind to me. I mean along with all of her duties of being The Dark lords top death eater, and Minister of Magic she still had time to plan this for me. I don't know where I would be without her. She is like a sister to me. We have been able to bond and we have become really great friends. Lily, if you're reading this, I love you cousin.'

What a sweet quote! We were unable to get one from the Minister but I am sure she would have nothing but nice things to say. Speaking of the Minister, did you see her dress she was wearing? How she always has the newest clothes and shoes always impresses me. It is no secret that the Minister dresses to impress."

"One step closer to getting her back." Ginny said, breaking my thoughts.

"Yes." I smiled. I followed them out and we apperated to the Ministry.

As soon as we got there we were attacked by guards.

"Stupefy!" I called knocking one back.

"Nice one!" Neville yelled.

I fought my way through the guards. Soon other death eaters joined.

"We are losing." I Said to Ginny.

"Just keep fighting!" She called.

"Gin, we need to retreat!" Someone yelled.

"No! Fight as long as you can! We needed to take the Ministry!" Ginny yelled.

"Oh dear look what blood traitor we have." A voice said I turned to see a death eater holding a wand at me.

"I think the dark lord would be quite happy if we returned with him." One smirked.

"Stupefy!" One called and it knocked me out.

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