Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Danielle didn't get much sleep, even though she had Stefania in her arms, she couldn't settle. She woke up around 7am, Stefania was still asleep next to her, she had no blankets on her, her tanned body shining with the little sun light that was allowed in.

Danielle stayed there for a watching her girlfriend sleep. Her hand unconsciously made its way to the brunettes stomach, she gently brushed her thumb over the tiny bump that had started to form. A smile started to creep on the blondes face.

"Buongiorno bambina" Stefania whispered.

Danielle's face suddenly changed from a smile to a little sad pout. "Mmm... hi" she said in a shy voice.

"Can I make you breakfast?" Stefania asked nervously.

"No, not right now. I'm going for a run" Danielle quickly got out of bed and made her way to their room. Throwing a sports bra and a tight fitted running shirt, along with a pair of shorts then she left.

The blonde started to run, getting faster and faster. She found herself at Colby's apartment.

"D? It's like 9am" Colby asked confused, still half asleep. "But come in, Jaina's just making breakfast" he smiled letting her in.

"Danielle" Jaina nodded "did you speak to Stefania?"

"I didn't come here for an lecture Jaina" Danielle sighed.

"No I know, I'm not going to give you one" She smiled handing Danielle a glass of juice. "She was wrong Danielle, nothing she said was true and for what it's worth she feels so bad"

"She feels bad?" Danielle snapped "She accused me of replacing her that I'm going to fuck my new assistant all because I won't touch Stefania, because she knows I'm too scared to! I cried to her about that and she threw it back in my face Jaina. Apparently I don't act like I want a baby and I don't look after either of them. I'm fucking doing this for her" Danielle yelled, she started pacing the kitchen trying to calm herself.
"Sorry" she said sadly "Sorry I don't mean to yell at you" she hung her head in her hands.

"Danielle" Jaina sighed. "She is my best friend, I will always love her, but that also means I can yell at her and I can tell her she's wrong". Jaina handed the blonde a plate of breakfast.
"You know what's worse than one angry mamá?" Jaina asked "two angry mamás and trust me, she may be Italian but a Latino, I have just as much if not more attitude than she does" Jaina laughed slightly "I spent two hours last night telling her she was wrong, and another hour hugging her because she realised she was wrong then cried on me."

Danielle let out a big groan before falling onto Colby's lap for comfort. "Eat your breakfast then go home and see her, avoiding it isn't going to fix it" Jaina said sternly.

Danielle hung at Colbys for another hour before decided it was probably time she headed home.

"Come on, I'll drop you off" Colby said grabbing his car keys.

"It's fine, I'll run" the blonde smiled weakly.

"No come on, it's like four miles to your house" he laughed pushing the blonde out the door.

They pulled up in her drive, Danielle's anxiety level suddenly shot up. He legs started bouncing, "hey hey, it will be okay, just go talk to her"

Danielle slowly made her way in to the house finding Stefania cuddled up on the couch under a big fluffy blanket. "Hi bella. You don't look sweaty, I thought you were going for a run?" Stefania asked curiously.

"I went to Colbys, Jaina made me breakfast. Are you going to accuse me of sleeping with her too? Oh... wait, no because she pregnant so I wouldn't touch her" Danielle snapped.

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