Chapter 19: The Kraken

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General POV.

Jack saw Rose swimming back to the Pearl. And he was in an battle with himself.

Rose was right because he couldn't just leave the crew.

But there was almost no chance they could kill the Kraken.

But he could maybe.

They would need his help. Rose would need his help.

Jack groaned.

On board of the Pearl it was chaos. The Kraken had returned and started fighting and roaming its tentacles trough the Pearl.

The crew was started to heave the net full of explosives.

'Clear??' Elizabeth screamed towards Will who was hanging on the net of explosives.

'HIGHER!' Will yelled back.

Rose jumped back on the deck. And saw someone getting grabbed by an smaller tentacle and she cut clean through it.

'Are you okay?' Rose asked and he nodded before starting to fight again.

Rose ran up towards the middle of the deck helping Gibbs fight off the tentacles.

'Rose?!' You're back?' Elizabeth scolded.

'Bite me Lizzy. Try to fight an kraken while having been hit with an peddle on your head.' Rose bited back.

To which Elizabeth shut her mouth because she knew enough.

The kraken slammed on the heave of the ship.

Making Will drop several meters down again.

He fell and got his foot stuck.

The kraken was slamming its arms all around the ship and also around the net we had filled with the explosives.

'WILL!' Elizabeth screamed towards Will. and she was trying to dodge all tentacles so she could focus on the fact that she needed to shoot the net full of explosives.

'Shoot Elizabeth! Shoot!!' Will yelled at her. So she could save everyone else but him.

'I cant!' Elizabeth cried out.

Rose pushed her behind her and took the gun. Elizabeth stood next to her.

'Please don't kill him' Elizabeth sobbed.

Rose was waiting for Will to get loose un till she got her foot grabbed from behind.

'ROSE!' Elizabeth yelled and she ran towards the gun Rose had dropped. She saw Pintel and Ragetti slam their axe so Rose was free. Elizabeth ran towards the gun.

But an crowmember took the gun

'Woman can't shoot!' he yelled but the kraken grabbed him. He let go of the gun and it fell up deck.

'FUCK!' Elizabeth yelled and she ran towards the upper deck. She went to grab the gun but someone put their foot down on it.

Elizabeth was fighting to get it.

And then looked up.

It was Jack. Looking down at her.

Jack grabbed the gun and waited to take the shot.

Will got loose and he jumped from the net with explosives.

Jack then took the shot and the barrels exploded.

A loud cry was heard. It was the kraken crying out.

Everyone started to gather on deck.

Marty and Gibbs walked towards the rail.

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