Chapter 5: Searching for Jack.

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General POV

'Jack Sparrow?

Owes me four doubloons. Heard he was dead. ' A sailor said

'Singapore. That's what I heard. Drunk with a smile on his face.' A fisherman said.

'Sure hope not for his face.' Rose cursed under her breath.

'sure as a tide, Jack Sparrow will turn up in Singapore.' The fisher said convinced.

'Jack Sparrow?' Giselle asked.

'Well I haven't seen him in forever thanks to you' Scarlett spat at Rose.

'When you find him, will you give him a message?' Gisselle said with a way to sweet smile on her face.

She flattened her hand and was about to slap Will across his face.

But Rose was faster and took her hand.

'Fuck off you simple whores.' Rose spat at them and she threw Gisselle to the ground.

Rose looked at them with dark eyes.

Which made Scarlet grab Gisselle and they walked off.

'Come on Will. Lets go' Rose said while walking off.

'Are you all right? What did they do to you' Will said while keeping up with Rose.

'Oh they think Jack will marry them for some reason and they always stalk me around Tortuga when I'm here' Rose said.

'I thought I'd give them a bit of their own medicine' she shrugged and walked towards the dock.

'Can't say about Jack Sparrow, but there's an island just south of the straits where I trade spice for..

Mmm delicious long pork.

Cannot say about Jack, but you'll find a ship there.

A ship with black sails.' He said.

The sailor had taken both Will and Rose towards the island. And when looking through the onocular there was indeed a ship washed up on the beach.

'It's the pearl ' Rose gasped.

'What in the world is it here for?' She asked herself.

'My brother will take you ashore.' The sailor said. And they both got placed in a dinghy towards the shore. But halfway the man stopped. And motioned that they should swim further.

And Rose rolled her eyes. And took her dress off. Leaving her in a pair of tight pants and a simple blouse. Without corset or anything.

Will was shaking his head at Rose her innocence and saw the man looking at Rose.

But Rose was faster and she gave him a punch straight on his nose before jumping in the water.

'Asshole!' she said as she swam towards the beach.

Will shrugged to the man and faslty jumped out of the dinghy after Rose.

When they both washed up ashore. They walked around the Pearl.

'Jack. Jack Sparrow!' Will shouted.

'Ana Maria?' Rose shouted to.

'anybody?' Will asked Rose.

'I don't know. I'm not even sure what they're up to now..?' Rose said while lifting her shoulders.

They walked further into the island. And saw Cotton's parrot flying down to them.

'Oh my god finally! A friendly face!' Rose said happily as she ran to the parrot.

'Don't eat me... Don't eat me' He squeeked. And he flew off again.

'I'm not going to eat you?' Rose said baffled to the parrot.

Rose and Will walked further into the island when they found Gibbs his small liquor bottle. And Will pulled on it.

There was a small rope haning on to it. and Will was following it.

He heard a tumb behind him. And saw Rose falling to the ground.

'Rose!' Will turned around. But before he knew it he had a dart in his shoulder and he was starting to feel dizzy and fell to the ground to.

Rosemary's POV

I wake up feeling myself tied up on a huge bamboo stick. I had no idea what just happened I felt like I had an mosquito bit me, and I passed out completely.

But when I opened my eyes I saw all kinds of island native's walking me up towards their village. I looked behind me and saw another pole and it was Will who got carried with them to.

'Shit' I cursed to myself.

'What the fuck Jack. What have you gotten yourself into now' she thought to herself.

The native's walked both of us over a bridge towards the center of their town before they started to speak in their native language.

And their he was. Sitting in a chair all kinds of makeup on his face.

I was eyeing him up. Not completely sure what to think about it.

But ofcourse Will woke up and opened his big ass mouth.


Jack Sparrow?' Will chuckled.

'I can honestly say I'm glad to see you.'

Jack stood up from his throne and then looked past Will to look at the other prisoner. Probably not sure to expect Elizabeth or me.

And it was me. I could see his breathing hitch.

'Was he not glad to see me?' I thought to myself. But I chose to stay put, and not make a scene.

Jack walked up to Will and poked around on him. His shoulder his thigh.

Will was looking confused at him.

'Jack its me. Will Turner?'

Then he walked towards me. He eyed me up, and he couldn't help but let out a small smirk.

'You think this is funny. I'll get you' I said biting on her lip.

Then Jack walked off towards an native and started talking to him.

'Tell them to let us down!' Will said to Jack.

Jack started talking again towards the natives and they seemed to understand.

Then he bowed down to Wills rear and said some words.

I could only hear something as Eunichy snip snip. And he made a scissor motion with his hand.

Which made me almost burst out laughing but I held myself in.

'Jack the compass. That's all I need!' Will said to Jack.

'Elizabeth is in danger. WE were arrested for helping you. We all face the gallows.

Just give us the compass Jack' Will said.

'Then we will be out of your hair. Both of us.'

'Speak for yourself ' I shouted.

'I will kick your ass for this Jack and hard.' I cursed while wiggling.

Jack stood still and walked back towards the natives.

He said some words and the native's shouted it back. They took us up once again. And started walking off towards the other side of town.

'JACK! What did you tell them! ' Will shouted.

My bamboo pole followed put after Will. Jack hovered over me.

'Save me' His eyes were wide. And I was looking really confused to him. But nodded. 

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