Chapter 10: 100 souls.

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General POV

The crew had been sailing for not even a day before they found the accent kind of rocks Tia Dalma had seen in her bones.

And within an hour the rain started to pick up and everyone and everything was soaking wet.

When the pearl was sailing passed the rocks they found a shipwreck.

'That's the Flying Dutchman?' Will asked Jack almost not believing him.

Rose was standing next to Will and looking evenly confused.

'I thought it would be a fearsome ship not something that could shipwreck.' Rose said almost a bit disappointed.

'She doesn't look like much.' Will said to Jack.

'Neither do you' Jack answered. Walking closer to Will and Rose.

'Do not underestimate her.' Jack said looking to the ship.

It went silent for a little while and then Jack stomped Gibbs.

'Must have run afoul of the reef.' Gibbs said quickly.

'So what's your plan, then?' Jack asked Will his eyes still fixated on the shipwreck.

'I row over, search the ship until I find your bloody key.' Will answered

'And if there are crewmen?' Jack asked

' I cut down anyone in my path.' Will said looking determined.

'Please let me go with you. I want to help!' Rose said almost desperately.

'No Rose you have had enough on your plate with that fall. I'm glad your healing but its to soon.' Will said and Jack nodded fastly in agreement.

Will then walked off and Jack said. : 'I like his plan. Simple, easy to remember.'

'Jack what are you up to.' Rose stood in front of Jack.

Her hair was clutching to her face.

'It's nothing Love but please go in here.' Jack said and he shoved her in the captain's quarters.

'JACK!' Rose yelled when he locked the door.

'What are you thinking! I'm so not done with you!' Rose yelled.

'Are you sure, that's a good thing to do?' Gibbs said towards Jack.

When Rose her silhouette left the window of the door.

'See ' Jack said with a smile towards Gibbs.

'She understands its for her own good.'

He then walked towards the dinghy Will was in.

'If you do happen to get captured, just say Jack Sparrow sent you to settle his debt.

It might save your life!' He spoke.

'Douse the lamps.' Jack said to Gibbs when Will was off.

Then they heard a loud bang.

'Rose' Jack cursed.

'Why can't you ever listen to me' he was cursing while walking towards the door of the captain's quarters and fastly walked in.

He took her hands and pinned her to the wall.

Tears were streaming down her face.

'Why so sad Love?' Jack asked

'I'm not sad you asshole. I'm mad.' Rose bit to him. And kicked him in the stomach so he would let go.

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