Chapter 9: Tia Dalma

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General POV.

It was the next morning. Rose had slept like well a rose.

But when she woke up all the bones in her body were aching.

'Fuck fuck fuck fuck!' Rose cursed when she fell out of bed.

Trying to stand up again.

Jack was already outside but when he hurt Rose curse and ran back to the captain's quarters.

'Are you all right? Jack said helping Rose up.

'No I feel like someone fed me to the sharks and stitched me back together. And everything is starting to bruise' Rose said cursing.

Jack was looking Rose up and down and she was right. She was completely bruised and full of cuts. He had stitched the worst ones. And cleaned the rest but she needed to heal and it was only normal that everything hurt.

'Okay Rose. I need you to get dressed and come with me to land. Because..'

'I can't even sit up straight how do you think I can go with you' Rose argued tears in her eyes and she stood up straight.

'I know Love.' Jack kissed her temple.

'Let me help you. We're going to a old friend/acquaintance of mine' Jack said but looking confused if he told it right.

Rose rolled her eyes.

'And why do I need to meet her?'

'Who said it was a woman?' Jack said.

'This person might have something for both our problems.' Jack said with a serious face.

'Now come on. What do I need to fetch you' Jack said standing up.

Rose gave him some directions to where her clothes were. And Jack helped her dress. Even put her boots on.

'I can walk by myself Jack.' Rose said grumpy.

She was sick of not being able to do what normally is so normal.

So she stumbled towards the door of the captains quarters and opening it.

The sun was shining bright and Rose squinted her eyes.

The crew was turning around when the door opened.

'What are you all looking at.' Rose spat to them. As she stumbled towards Ana Maria.

'How are you feeling Ana?' Rose asked her genuinely.

'Well like shit. But not as bad as you. Even your face is all bruised up.' Ana Maria said looking concerned.

Rose brushed her finger over her cut lip.

'Gentlemen! My ladies' Jack said loudly trying to get everyone's attention.

Everyone spun around towards Jack.

Rose did to but she was a bit to fast. So she stumbled over her feet and almost fell flat faced on deck.

But Pintel and Ragetti both grabbed an arm and helped her up.

'Are you alright puppet?' Pintel asked.

'Yeah.. I'm fi...' Rose said but her eyes turned big when the pieces of the puzzle fell in place.

Puppet. Those are the two weirdo's from Barbossa's crew. How did they get here.

'We're on your side now' Ragetti said.

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