Chapter 16: Trust.

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General POV

'Its real.' Elizabeth said perplex.

'You actually were telling the truth.' Norrington said.

'I do that quite a lot, yet people are always surprised.' Jack said

'With good reason!' A familiar voice sounded.

Rose and Elizabeth turned straight around and both ran up towards the man who owned the voice.

William Turner.

'WILL!' Rose yelled and she threw around his shoulders.

'Oh my god I'm so happy you're okay' she said softly sobbing.

Will smiled softly at her. And then saw Elizabeth standing on a few meters distance.

And Rose fastly let go and she ran back to Jack.

Elizabeth sprinted in Will's arms.

'You're alright! Thank god! I came to find you!' Elizabeth exclaimed.

Will smiled at her and they kissed each other passionately

'How did you get here?' Jack suddenly asked.

'Sea turtles mate. A pair of them, strapped to my feet.' Will replied.

'Not so easy is it?' Jack said.

Rose was rolling her eyes. And stood behind him.

'But I do owe you thanks, Jack.' Will said.

'You do?' Jack asked.

'After you tricked me onto that ship to square your debt with Jones..' Will said to Jack.

'What?' Elizabeth said not believing her ears.

'What?' Jack replied.

Norrington looked first at Jack and then at Rose.

Rose gulped not believing what was all happening.

'I was reunited with my father.' Will said.

'Oh well.. You're welcome then.' Jack said with a soft smile.

To which Rose once again rolled her eyes.

She knew Jack was terribly sorry for what he had done. But he was never going to tell Will nor Elizabeth.

'Everything you said to me, every word was a lie!' Elizabeth spat at Jack. She let go of Will and starting walking towards Jack.

'Pretty much.' Jack admitted.

'Time and tide love' Jack said to Elizabeth.

'And you!' Elizabeth turned to Rose.

'You let Will go to the flying Dutchman and fight for his life, or just let him rot there!' Elizabeth spat at Rose.

Rose her eyes teared up.

It was never her intention to let Will go over there, nor it was her intention to not tell Elizabeth anything.

Will however didn't bother to talk to the both of them and sank to his knees next to the chest. The key in his hand and the knife from his father in the other.

'Oi! What are you doing?' Jack said.

'I'm going to kill Jones.' Will said hovering over the chest.

Jack pulled out his sword and pointing it at Will.

Rose gasped and wanted to pull out her sword but Norrington stopped her.

Jack Sparrow's Rose. Chapter 2 ( Dead mens chest) {18+}Where stories live. Discover now