Chapter 8: The plan.

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General POV

Rose was already on the deck. Panting from running. And she was searching for Ana Maria. Which she found at the helm.

'ANA' Rose yelled. Cotton took the helm of Ana Maria and she jumped on deck pushing Rose to the ground hugging her.

'I'd knew you make it' Ana Maria said while hugging Rose.

'Same' Rose said softly as she took the hug and tightened it.

After a few minutes the girls let go and Rose sat up.

'Lets put some distance between us and this island and head out to open sea. ' Gibbs spoke to Jack.

Behind Jack Pintel and Ragetti were putting his coat around his shoulders.

Rose was still sitting on the ground listening to what Gibbs was saying.

When she noticed Pintel and Ragetti. She turned her head towards them. And they started to whistle and ran back to the other side of the ship.

'Aren't those?' Rose asked Ana Maria.

'Yeah. Let them be they're harmless' Ana Maria said.

'Yes to the first. Yes to the second, but only insofar as we keep to the shallows.' Jack answered Gibbs.

'That seems a bit contradictory, captain.' Gibbs replied.

'I have faith in your reconciliatory navigational skills. ' Jack said to Gibbs

'Now where is that monkey? I want to shoot something.' Jack said with his teeth clenched.

Ragetti's fake eye fell on deck. And the chirping of the monkey sounded.

Jack looked up smirking and got his gun. But before he could reach to shoot the monkey Will interrupted him.

'Jack' Will said.

'ah' was all Jack brought out as he looked back towards Will.

'Elizabeth is in danger.' Will said.

'Have you considered just locking her up somewhere?' Jack said as he walked away.

Rose was trying to hold back her chuckle. It must sound weird for Jack to be hearing this all again. Last time Elizabeth was in danger too.

'She is locked up, bound to hang for helping you.' Will said angry walking after Jack.

Rose stood up and slowly walked after the two guys.

'There comes a time when one must take responsibility for one's mistakes.' Jack answered.

Will fastly took a sword of a crewmember and put it up to Jack's throat.

'I need that compass of yours, Jack.' Will said while keeping the sword at his throat.

'I must trade it for her freedom.'

Jack was squinting his eyes at Will looking a bit confused.

Jack then took the tip of the sword and lifted it over his shoulder.

'Mr Gibbs.' Jack said.

'Captain' Gibbs said.

'We have a need to travel upriver.' Jack said walking towards the helm where Gibbs was standing.

'By need, do you mean a thrifling need?

Fleeting? As in, say, a passing fancy? ' Gibbs asked.

'I'm right here?!' Rose said throwing her hands up.

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