Chapter 25

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A pleasant smile was present on his lips as he checked himself out on the mirrors of the elevator. He then averted his gaze, biting down onto his bottom lip to suppress the growing smile etching on his face, at the mere thought of seeing the older male again.

And Jeongguk had lost count of the amount of times he had turned to the mirrors of the compartment to check out his reflection for one last time. As he wished to seem presentable to Taehyung, who always thought of him being late and messy, like he'd just gotten off the bed and headed straight to work. And apparently, Taehyung despised it.

Like the perfectionist he is.

The male couldn't help but glance around the vacant, and quite spacious compartment, gnawing at his bottom lip in sheer anticipation, at the thought of the older male. Jeongguk wished to appear perfect, like he wanted him to be. Yet, he felt like he was lacking something, even though he'd checked himself out enough times to figure out the flaws.

An audible ding then resonated throughout the elevator, pulling the younger male out of his thoughts as he watched the doors slide open. Jeongguk then paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath to compose himself before exiting the elevator with hesitant steps. The hallways were quite, as usual. Yet, the once tranquil atmosphere felt awfully tense to the fidgety male, like a heavy weight on his shoulders.

Perhaps, it was due to his own thoughts driving him insane. His own thoughts, that made him feel insecure and uncomfortable about himself. Although he attempted to shove them away, and think of the positive aspects, they simply appeared back again on his mind, only causing him to be more nervous about himself.

And now that he stood in front of the CEO's office, Jeongguk couldn't help but wonder of what the male would think of him. And he was never the one to think of such, simply ignoring people around him and focusing on his own thoughts. Well, until he met Kim Taehyung, that is. A perfectionist, who completed his work on time and efficiently, despised delays and fancied being presentable, no matter the occasion. Who had these dark pair of eyes, that made him tremble, and heart pound rapidly against his chest, due to the intensity of his gaze.

Kim Taehyung was just insanely perfect.

Sucking in a sharp breath, Jeongguk then knocked on the door with slightly shaky hands. However, frowned, when there was no response from the other side. He then knocked a few more times, only to be met with silence from the other side. A sigh then evoked from his lips, as he then grabbed the doorknob, twisting it.

Only to find it locked.

This had Jeongguk's frown deepening as he stared at the inky door, thin lips subconsciously shaping into a subtle pout. The ravenette then knocked a few more times; this time, a bit harder. Only to be met with silence yet again. This had the younger male scowling in utter frustration and confusion, as he then leaned into the door, pressing his ear against it to hear any sort of noise.


A disappointed sigh evoked from his lips as he then moved away from the door, glaring at it for a brief second, before pivoting on his heels and heading for the elevator. Jeongguk then pressed the fifth floor button, watching the doors close shut with his feet tapping quite impatiently on the floor.

He wondered, where the male must've been. As the door was locked, and he hadn't left the keys for him to pick out the files from his office, and possibly complete the part of his work. Quite bemusing, as Taehyung was never the one to not show up in the company.

Perhaps, he could be late. But apparently, Kim Taehyung was known to be never late and always on time. For the love of his work. But of course, there had to be a few times he was late due to some circumstances, right? But what could it be? What made him late to work?

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