Chapter 11

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The bright rays of sun poured into the room through the open windows, making Taehyung grunt at the light that fell over his face, illuminating his handsome features. The aforementioned male turned to the other side of the bed to avoid the blinding light, burying his head in a pillow underneath him.

The smell of freshly cooked pancakes reached his nostrils, making his stomach rumble and pull Taehyung out of his dreams. A groan left the male's lips as he turned to lay on his back, squinting his eyes at the blinding light.

It took him a couple of minutes to adjust to the light and take a good look of his surroundings after acknowledging how certain things in his room seemed different. When did I leave the curtains open? And why the hell are they purple?

Taehyung's eyes widened like saucers and he frantically looked around once he noticed that he wasn't in his room. However, it seemed oddly familiar to him.

A sharp pain shot through his skull, blurring his vision for a second as he reached up to hold his head in his hands, ruffling his brown locks. His face scrunched into a pained look as the throbbing of his head got worse, making him groan in agony as he clutched his head.

His eyes casted down to his body, only to see that he was shirtless. The male's eyes widened at the sight and he quickly yanked the sheets off him and examined his body.

The male only donned a pair of shorts from last night. However, to Taehyung's relief, there were no marks to prove the accusation in his mind, which made him release a sigh, only to groan at the peircing pain shooting through his cerebrum.

Taehyung reluctantly got off the bed, clutching his head with his hands as he attempted to clear his vision. The aforementioned male walked out of the room, finding the staircase that led him downstairs.

A frown embedded over his delicate features as he caught on the smell of freshly cooked pancakes lingering in the air. The brunette's frown deepened once he noticed a certain someone's presence in the kitchen that could be seen halfway up the stairs.

"Who the hell are you and where am I?" His voice came out raspy due to his morning voice, brows creased to a frown as he examined the raven haired male in the kitchen.

"I see you've woken up," The ravenette commented, his back turned to the older as he focused on whatever he was cooking. "I'm surprised how you can't recognise your best friend's place."

"What the hell are you saying?" Taehyung mumbled, an exasperated look replacing his frown as he clutched his head, striding into the kitchen to take a seat on one of the stools in the island.

"Dude, you're nuts. I'm Jeongguk if you didn't hear me at the party and it's obviously Jimin hyung's place." Jeongguk turned to look at the male with an equally exasperated look etched on his face before shaking his head and turning off the stove. "How do you call yourself a best friend if you don't know the way his house seems like?"

Jeongguk placed a plate of pancakes in front of the older who was bemused by the whole situation. "How am I here and what the hell are you doing in Jimin's house?"

"Look, I'm really not in the mood to talk to an asshole like you or answer your ridiculous questions. Do you really not remember anything from last night?" Jeongguk frowned, taking a seat in front of the older who watched him with a baffled look.

"What happened? Don't tell me it's-" Taehyung's eyes widened, lips parting in utter shock and bewilderment as he stared at the younger who sat a few meters away from him.

Jeongguk choked on his banana milk, face scrunching into a disgusted look as he stared at the older, cutting him off from finishing his sentence, "No way! You really don't remember or are you pretending?"

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