Chapter 13

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A cool breeze swept past his face, messing his hair and causing his bangs to fall over his forehead. However, the boy paid no mind to it— too occupied with the sight in front of him that left him totally speechless.

His doe eyes shimmered with astonishment— eyes wide and lips slightly parted as he lifted his face to look up at the exquisite colossal structure that represented a company.

A frown fell on Jeongguk's face as he scrutinized the building, pursing his lips as he allowed his thoughts to wander in his mind. It must be a really high ranked company for being so fancy. For such a classy company, it's weird to be choosing candidates without an application, isn't it?

Or maybe I'm just overthinking. He pressed his tongue to the walls of his cheek, contemplating his thoughts as he stood there, glued to the ground in front of the building, catching the attention of the guards around the entrance who eyed him weirdly.

"What are you doing, mister?" A guard called out, breaking the male's train of thoughts as his gaze flickered from the colossal building to the man donning a black suit with a pair of matching sunglasses.

Jeongguk bit down on his bottom lip and shook his head before allowing his gaze to cast over the huge glass doors of the entrance that slid open every minute a person entered or exited the edifice.

Jeongguk felt awfully nervous, his palms were sweating and his fingers were jittery, his heartbeat starting to show erratic alternating between poundings and jiggers. However, he took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to proceeded towards the entrance— ignoring the guards who followed him with their eyes with a bored look.

As he got closer, he noticed the sign above the huge glass doors of the entrance that read, "KIM CORPORATIONS" in golden colored block letters. Jeongguk walked past the security guards and into the building, approaching the receptionist who was busy typing away in her computer to acknowledge his presence.

"Um— excuse me?" The lady snapped her attention to the male in front of her, eyes taking in his appearance before meeting his gaze, a baffled look visible on her face.

"How may I help you today?"

"I-I was— I was called in for an interview today," His tone was rather faltering, something that made the girl behind the counter chuckle.

"Relax. You're the selected candidate Jeon Jeongguk, I presume?" She queried in a perky voice, a sweet smile spreading on her lips once the male nodded his head, nervously shifting his weight from one feet to the other.

"Well, Mr. Choi is expecting you today. Don't keep him waiting, he's on the 5th floor, third door to the right." She offered him a sweet smile to which the male simply nodded and thanked her, returning the cordial smile.

He then strode to the elevator and pressed the button, gnawing at his bottom lip as he looked around intently, hands placed in front of him in accord to appear as formal as he could. Jeongguk aimed to get this job in any way, he could only hope to not face the rejection again since he's been accustomed to it.

Once the doors to the elevator opened, he stepped inside and pressed the button to the 5th floor, watching the metal doors slide shut. Jeongguk rubbed his hands together in an attempt to relax himself and fill his mind with positive thoughts in hopes of drowning out the negativity.

He was awfully tense just by being there; he didn't fit in there in any way. All these neat and wealthy people he had encountered before getting on the elevator made him feel small, And honestly? Cheap. Very cheap.

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