Chapter 1

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"Taehyung, you can't possibly stay single all your life. And for the sake of your son's future, you have to marry her." His mom stated, seriousness laced in her voice as she frowned at her son who simply ignored her and looked at his hands. It happens almost every day. He's called by his parents to come over only to be yelled at and pressurized to marry a random girl he doesn't even care about.

"Not only for him, you can't always show up to the media alone with a damn child in your arms. It creates more rumours and scandals which affects our reputation, Taehyung. We are the Kim's, the most powerful company owners of South Korea. Which also makes us the top third richest families of the world." His dad stated firmly, eyeing his son with his intense gaze that could make anyone nervous, an equally furious look embedded onto his features that most likely resembles his son's.

"We have a reputation abroad too. You need a wife for the sake of our company. You have to marry the girl I decide and that's the final decision. No matter what you say, your opinions won't be accepted.

And even if you try to run away or ruin the wedding, you know what I'm capable of. So I expect you to take a wise decision, Taehyung. Don't make me regret it." He stated, glaring at the aforementioned boy who seemed to be returning the glare back with the same intensity, he wasn't backing down any second, he wasn't going to be a weakling his dad always thought he is. He was going to stick to his decision and nothing could change that.

He never had best relations with his dad. His dad always tried to control him and his mind, always attempted to pressurize him to do things against his will, which Taehyung absolutely despised. And if he didn't do things according to his dad's will, he was beaten up by a bunch of guards on his dad's orders.

It always happened this way. Him disagreeing to his dad and being beaten up later by a bunch of men in black suits. Of course he was trained to fight for self defence, but he couldn't win a fight against a bunch of men. Well, how could he if he was tied up and beaten to death?

Merciless was an understatement for his dad. He was the devil who ruled almost everything. He always wanted things his way and if it didn't happen, he'd do everything to get it done his way. Even if it meant threatening his son or hurting him if necessary.

"You heard me, I won't marry anyone. I'm better off on my own and I can take care of my son." Taehyung spoke with an authoritative tone that could shut anyone up. His parents who were seated across him on the couch gave him a look of disbelief as they stared at their son's poker face. His dad simply rolled his eyes at his son's words, ignoring them like he usually did.

"Taehyung, you know what you're doing. I've warned you before and I'm warning you again. I do not want to ruin the reputation of our company and you know I can do anything to keep it up. Don't force me to take a necessary step and beat some brains into your dumb mind." His dad warned, a scowl etched on his face as he glared at his son.

Taehyung stood up abruptly, not being able to handle his dad's bullshit anymore. He lost every ounce of patience left in him and couldn't deal with his parents anymore. He almost started believing he wasn't their biological son because, of course, who the fuck treats their son this way and forces him to do something against his will?

Slipping his hands into his pockets, he spared a last glance at his parents, face stone-cold and eyes devoid of emotion, although the anger swirling in his obsidian eyes made it pretty obvious that he was pissed, "That's it. I don't want to hear anything else about this matter from you."

With that, he walked away, exiting his parents' mansion and heading out to his car. He opened the car door and slipped in, closing it in process before igniting the engine back to life and driving away from the mansion.

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