Chapter 10

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Walking through the large double doors, the first thing anyone could hear was the loud music blasting through the speakers and resonating around the whole mansion.

It stunk like sweat and alcohol and Jeongguk could feel the pulse of the music pounding in his temples. Bodies swarmed the dance floor, prominently attractive males and females, which was an obvious surprise for Jeongguk due to the fact that he never knew the couple of the mansion had a lot of companions.

Perhaps they were all sticking around for the money and power the Kim's possessed.

The panic starts like a tightening of the chest, an enemies fist clenched around you entirely, as if the muscles are trying not to let another breath in, but instead to die.

That's exactly how he felt right now as he attempted to push his way out of the bustling dance floor, face pulled into a look of distaste as he pushed a random male trying to get all over him.

A deep sigh of relief left the ravenette's lips as his hands reached out for the door to the backyard. Jeongguk inhaled a lungful of fresh air once he stumbled out of the mansion and into the backyard.

Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was a bunch of people, male's and females smoking around and chattering nosily. The obnoxious noise from the people made a frown appear back on his face as he shook his head in slight disappointment, craving to feel the peace that's been disrupted by obnoxious people.

The only reason he endured all of it silently was for the happiness of his beloved best friend, who was overly excited to hear Jeongguk coming with him to the party. A sad Jimin was the last thing he wanted to see if he decided to leave alone.

Averting his gaze from the unknown guys having the best time of their life, Jeongguk walked away, poking his inner cheek with his tongue with an exasperated look- a habit he always had whenever he was genuinely annoyed or upset.

"Ah Jeonggukie! Come here!" A familiar high pitched voice yelled from somewhere in the distance over the loud chattering and noises from the guests, catching Jeongguk's attention as he swirled in his feet to the direction of the voice, eyes landing over a familiar short figure waving him over with the brightest grin on his face, shirtless with only a pair of swimming trunks.

A soft smile gradually formed on Jeongguk's lips at the sight of the happy blonde grinning widely at him. Jeongguk skipped his way over to the blonde, eyes then falling over the large pool surrounded by people and some of Jimin's friends in the water, splashing each other.

"Jeonggukie!" Jimin ran over to the ravenette, grabbing his wrist and dragging him away to the pool. The aforementioned male's eyes met Taehyung's dark piercing ones for a split second before the younger looked away, distracted by Jimin's high pitched voice and the small shiver that ran down his spine.

"Jeongguk! Come join us!" Hoseok chimed from inside the pool, a bright smile adorning his incredibly handsome and bright features that represented the ones of the sun. The aforementioned male laughed it off, shaking his head. "No thanks, I'm good."

"Ah come on, Jeongguk." Jimin whined, making Jeongguk whip his head to the male, "I didn't bring any clothes with me!"

"It's fine, come with me." Jimin then dragged him away towards the mansion again, this time by a second door that led to the kitchen, avoiding the bustling dance floor that could take ages for them to reach the bedrooms.

A long flight of stairs later and barging into a certain room, Jimin scurried away to the walk-in closet, leaving Jeongguk to admire the interior of the bedroom.

"Here, grab these." Jimin tossed a pair of shorts to the younger who caught it immediately, a surprised look replacing his frown as he gazed at the swimming trunks.

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