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Moans travelled through my ears,
"Jay.." I let out a louder moan, calling his name.
Jayden let out a grunt as he rammed himself into me,
"God y/n you're such a good f*cking wh*re."

I jolted up from my bed, holy sh*t my dreams are getting way weirder.

I got into my uniform and was very late for breakfast, I rushed out my dorm. I turned around bumping into someone,
"Watch it Averill." Chalut snapped,
"Move-your in my way."
"Go around."

I moved to the side and he stood in my way again,
"Connor stop."
He kept doing it over and over laughing,
"I'm serious, my class starts soon and I need breakfast." I huffed,
"You're p*ssing me off Chalut!"
He laughed, "that's why it's funny."
"F*cking move." I muttered barging through,
"Sorry I didn't quite get that." He laughed to himself as I help my middle finger up running down the stairs.

"Breakfast's over miss." The lunch lady said as I got in the queue.
I looked at the time and it had hit 11pm-my class was all the way on the other side of the building.

Ezra came walking towards me,
"Ezra shut up I'm late." I rushed to my class.
I was 10 minutes late when I arrived which isn't too bad.

"Miss Averill-god how long's it been?" Sir asked
"About 7 months."
"Oh-you're very behind. You'll sit next to Walder he's top in my class you'll catch up in no time. Also don't be late next time or it's detention."

I sat down next to Jayden,
"Whatever I don't do detentions." I muttered to him,
"Um-since when do you go to science? You hate science."
"I was bored."
"You came here to see me."
"No I didn't, don't flatter yourself Jay."
"As if I believe that."

"Would you two shut up." A boy in front of us snapped, we both burst out laughing.

"Is there a problem here?" Sir asked,
"No-nothing." I said trying to keep the laughter in.

I loved science now, me and Jay had the best laughs.

I was sitting on the steps thinking about Christmas for some reason-it was nearly December already.
"Only peasants sit on the floor, not surprised you're down there Averill." Chalut spat as he walked towards me,
"I'm sorry what was you're name again?"

He gave me a death stare and walked past, his leg hitting my shoulders.

I saw Ezra walk by,
"Hey!" I got up,
"You alright?"
"Yeh fine. Come to my dorm at 7 I'm in the mood to get super high tonight."
"Okay.." he laughed and I went off.

I waited until 7-I was super bored but the time finally came and Ezra arrived.
"Welcome to my two person party!" I joked and got the c*ke out of my cabinet.

It was 11am and I was high as f*ck it was crazy. Ezra was doing 5 lines in a row!
"Okay take it easy now Ez."
"Aw you care about me." He laughed,
"You're my brother I f*cking love you."
"I love you too." He said after he snorted them all,
"You're face is covered in powder." I laughed.
"I'm gonna go get a drink."

I turned my back to fill up a cup in the bathroom when Ezra came butting in,
"Hey! What're you doing?" I laughed,
He went to the toilet and started throwing up, I looked over.
"It's fine that happens sometimes."
"No y/n I don't feel to good."
"Drink some water." I said sitting on the bed with him.

A few minutes later we were back to snorting, I turned my head to look at Ezra lying on his back.
"Hey you okay?" I laughed a little, his eyes were blood red.
"Ezra quit being a jerk." I shook him to get him to talk and he looked at me concerned.

White frothy liquid started trailing down his chin,
"Ezra?!" I panicked shaking him but suddenly his legs were spasming, then his arms, then his head.

My head was swirling. I was boiling hot, sweating. I called 911,
"H-help please. My brother he was doing something and-He's having a s-seizure. Please come qui-ick." My voice trembled through my tears.

I ran back to the toilet and the vomit was red, almost like blood.
"Holy sh*t Ezra this is all my fault. Please wake up!"
I shook him and shouted some more,
"Please Ezra-I can't do anything without you! You're my favorite person ever..."
I felt weak. I couldn't do anything-he was dead. My mascara flowed down my face as I buried myself in Ezras arms.

The door broke down and the paramedics barged in, waking students up.
"He's not breathing!" One of them shouted,
"How longs he been lying here for?!" Another asked me,
"About 7 minutes." I held Ezra's hand tightly, breathing heavily.

"I'm so sorry-he's gone. We can't save him." They said to me,
"Oh really?! Of course he's f*cking dead do you think I'm stupid?!!" I shouted, causing me to cry even more.
"We're going to need to get the police involved in this ma'am, you do know c*caine is illegal?"
"Yes I f*cking know! My brother's dead and it's my fault!" I took deep breaths and sat down on the bed.
"He's you're brother?"
"Okay we're going to need to call your parents."
"No!! Anyone but them please.."
"I'm sorry kid."

They taped up my dorm room and I was stood outside waiting outside sat on the floor by Ezra who was lying on one of the paramedic beds.

A crowd of students formed around us, I was holding his hand tight. Niah came running in,
"Y/n?! Is that Ezra!?" She ran in,
"Miss can you please stay behind the tape!"
"I'm his fiancé." She said as she collapsed beside him.
"What happened?"
I couldn't answer her, my throat was clogged with my tears.
"I'm so sorry Zeniah. It's all my fault! He's gone Ni."

Her hands covered her mouth as she let out a scream and started hysterically crying along with myself.
"I'm going to have to ask you to step away and wait for the police-you're not allowed to leave this site without their permission." The paramedics said to me as the dragged me away,
"No! Ezra!!" I tried to reach out to him being put into the ambulance.

I broke down in the guy's arms, someone swapped with him and held me tight. It was Cole. I burst out crying louder than the whole crowd,
"It's all going to be okay y/n. I promise."
"I killed him Cole! It was my c*ke, my idea, my room, my fault!!"
"No it wasn't y/n. Take deep breath's, it's all going to be fine I promise you." He held me tighter, making my tears roll down his back.

I knew Jayden was staring right at Cole but I couldn't care less who's arms I was in right now.

The police came and took me outside away from everyone to start questioning me,
"Could you confirm what substance you were both using?"
"And you're on it right now?"
"What relation did you have to Ezra?"
"He was my half brother."
"You were close?"
"I loved him more than anyone in this whole world."
"Is there anything else you would like to tell us Miss Averill?"
"He threw up and it was a very dark red, in my bathroom toilet. I didn't flush it. His mouth was frothing up and his whole body was shaking."
"Okay, thank you ma'am. What you've done has extreme consequences y/n, you will either pay a fine of 100,000 dollars or a 2 years in prison. You're lucky though-normally it's 6 years in prison end of.

My mother and father came running over to us,
"Oh my god y/n." My mother went in to hug me,
"Don't you f*cking touch me!" I shouted,
"What's going on y/n?!" My father shouted,
"I hate both of you! Hiding my own brother from me!"

They exchanged a worried look,
"How do you know about Ezra?" My mother furrowed her eyebrows,
"Because he's been attending my school for ages! He was my favorite person in the whole world and I loved him so much-he was never even introduced to the others and now he's f*cking dead!"
"You're on drugs y/n."

My vision was blurred, all I saw were the flashing lights of the police cars. My head began swirling, I could barely talk-after this I remembered nothing.

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