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I'd officially moved dorms, the door even had my initials on it. It was a bit different to Bartley's but not really,

 It was a bit different to Bartley's but not really,

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The bed was massive, wow. Bartley had all the same furniture just a different shape-plus he had the biggest mirror opposite his bed.

In the morning I went to go look for Blake since we're pretty close. My closest sibling is probably Carter since we're twins we do a lot together but I relate to Alexis a little more, I would hang out with Blake and Carter whenever he came over to the house so he was just like a second brother. Cole had nothing to worry about.

"Hey! Blake!" I waved at him,
"Hey Y/N. You okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, just thought I'd come and see you."
"Ah, sit." He patted the seat next to him as I sat down,
"So, are you going to the white party?" I asked,
"Yes obviously. My family goes every year, you know that."
We carried on talking about it for a while, the Harley family was also pretty famous but not in the same league as the Averills or Bartleys.

"Speaking of the white party. We should go together seen as we aren't staying with our families-just as friends of course? Unless you've already got a date?" Blake asked with a smile,
"Sure, why not! I have to warn you though, my mother bought me a very over the top dress." I laughed.

I went back to my lessons all day, nothing special. I don't think Blake was in any of my lessons, Cole was but we didn't speak. I needed to tell Cole about Blake though but I didn't want to.

Days passed and it was already the day of the party. I was chatting to Cole in his room,

"I'm so excited, this is the first time I've been out in months!" I said lying on his bed,
"Yeh same."
"What are you wearing anyways?" I asked getting up,
"Just a shirt maybe a blazer."
"Well mother got me this dress but it's very extra, she wants all eyes on our family but I have to say I'm not the biggest fan of the paparazzi. That's one reason why I quite like it here."
"You're very chatty today aren't you?"
"Today? You haven't been able to shut me up for days."
"Maybe I will then."
"Go ahead. I'm not stopping you."
"Forget it I'm busy."
"You're never busy." I raised an eyebrow, he's so stubborn. Plus I didn't tell him about Blake so I needed to put him in a good mood before the party.
"You know..you're showers much bigger than mine maybe I'll just use yours today." I teased, he turned around to look at me.
"You really want it huh? Beg for it."
"I don't want anything. And I'm certainly not going to beg, I'm just going for a shower." I slipped out of my clothes so I was now in a red lacey bra and a matching g-string.

I walked into the bathroom, I knew his eyes were on me. As I walked my ass jiggled a little tempting him even more,
"Wait." He walked up to me and turned me around, our faces together.
"What." I hissed,
"You're not even dirty. Why would you get into the shower when you're perfectly clean?" He teased me, I scoffed.
"Why don't you make me dirty then? That way I won't waste any water." I suggested, falling into his trap.
"What a smart idea Averill."
I didn't like playing easy to get so I guess I made it a little harder for him,
"Actually, I don't have a lot of time. I need to shower now." He stared at me as i slipped out of my lingerie.

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