ΠΔ Chapter 16 十六 ΠΔ

Start from the beginning

Y/N: "Yeah okay.." You replied before you and the others started a conversation with each other.

~Timeskip • The Day before the Pre-Open~

L/N Household, 7:36 AM

The morning sun was shining warmly down on the dwellers of the earth. You were currently on your bed, sleeping. It was only a matter of minutes before your alarm clock wakes you up...

There we go, The loud ringing sound that came from the device successfully woke you up as you instantly shot out of bed and dramatically smashed the said clock into pieces out of annoyance.

Y/N: "I'm sore all over.. I don't even wanna go.." You whined while you laid back down on your bed.

'But it's the day before the pre-opening.. Damn it..' You said before getting up and sporting on your clothes as you took the keys of the car from your drawer and went downstairs.

You were outside the house as you made your way into the garage, took the car and drove off to the 'Old man's' restaurant.

~ Timeskip • SHINO's Tokyo ~

You were walking towards the building as you just went in, not even bothering to knock.

Y/N: "Hello.." You greeted with a tired tone before going to one of the chairs and sat down and crashed your head onto one of the tables.

Shinomiya: "Slept well?" He said, Sarcasm visible in his tone.

Y/N: "Very funny.. Ha ha~" You said before
he chuckled but was cut off by his phone ringing. You then closed your eyes as you slowly started dozing off. You were then shortly awoken by Shinomiya again, Who yelled through the phone.

Shinomiya: "Hah? I'm busy for the opening?" He said while you laid your head back on the table as you tried to slip off to dream world again but was halted when he spoke loudy.. again.

"I won't take anyone less than the finalists from the Autumn Elections." He said before a new but familiar muffled voice spoke but that was coming from outside as he ended the phone call. You then disregarded this and tried to go back to sleep.

???: "Hello.." The voice greeted as Shinomiya went to answer the door and was surprised by someone he least expected.

Soma: "Thanks for having me, Shinomiya-senpai.." He said as Shinomiya had a grin on his face again. The same one when he saw you.

Shinomiya then lets him enter and he does, Then he also settles for a table which was the opposite corner you were in so he didn't really notice you at the moment.

Shinomiya: "I didn't think I'd get you, Yukihira."

Soma: "Yeah, I was surprised too.." He replied as both Lucie and Wei were staring at the two.

Shinomiya: "First, carpentry and interior work.." He said as he tossed Soma the tools used for cleaning.

Soma: "Heh? Your not done?" He sweatdropped while holding the tools.

Shinomiya: "Tch no, Someone decided to slack off.." He said as you groaned in annoyance catching the redheads attention.

Soma: "HEH?! What's Y/N-senpai doing here?!" He exclaimed in shock as he saw you.

Y/N: "What's the big idea..? Why are you guys yelling? Hah?!" You yelled as you let out a cold glare that sent shivers, due to people disturbing your nap.

Soma: "Sorry.." He sweatdropped again as Shinomiya yelled.

Shinomiya: "Work hard or I'll fire you!!" He exclaimed while holding anothet pot of plant as the staff scrubbed harder.

Seat Zero ( FoodWars x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now