Chapter 25~Siblings!

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Chapter 25~Siblings!

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Chapter 25~Siblings!

Selena had not spoken with Chris or AB since their break up happened. And it had been a week since then.

Nearly two weeks!

It was killing her inside to think that someone she cared about hated her. She had to make thing right with them. If they would even talk to her again.

Selena had to trick AB into talking to her alone. Get their feelings out. She had to make him understand that Michael was best for her. And the best thing that ever happened to her. But how was she going to make her brother understand that?

When the family was parted now. Now everything was not the same as it was. Selena feared it never would be again. She just knew change had to happen. She was the leader of her band. So she had to do whatever it took to make the band work out. She was going to do just that.

"Hey Selena. Michael said he had a meeting during lunch. He would meet up soon as he could. You were in the shower" Suzette tells Selena.

"Where are you off to?" Selena asks her sister who was all dressed up.

"Oh to lunch" Suzette says nervously.

"With who? Dad?" asks Selena.

"No, AB" sighs Suzette. "we are going over some new ideas he had for some songs"

"Shouldn't I come to? The songs for my band?" asks Selena.

"No, not really these are songs that Chris might use for a future band" admits Suzette.

She was stunned. They were turning on her? Was Chris going to take her band? Selena fumed inside. Her own brother was taking Chris side. This was not right!

"Let me meet brother dear at lunch" Selena demands.

"Sis he won't like it" warns Suzette.

"I really do not care what that jerk likes" huffs Selena. "working for Chris. He was going to help me. But now everyone hates me" wails Selena.

"They do not hate you. AB is mad is all. This will all blow over" says Suzette.

"I doubt that" Selena tells her.

"I will go to lunch. And talk to AB" offers Suzette.

"He will not talk to me. Let me surprise him. He will have to talk to me. Please?" begs Selena. "I need to make things right with him"

"I don't know" sighs Suzette.

"Please?" begs Selena.

"Fine" says Suzette. "he won't be mad with me. Not my idea" says Suzette.

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