Chapter 9~The Trial!

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Chapter 9~The Trail!

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Chapter 9~The Trail!

Today was trail week. She was so nervous she could hardly eat that morning. Though Chris made a fuss over her making her eat breakfast that morning. She never had really been a breakfast person.

But Chris made a mean omelet. With his special hot sauce. She loved his cooking. One of the many things he was good at. Once she ate her breakfast she hopped in the shower.

Then she got dressed. Her phone had been ringing all day. Friends and family were asking about the trial today that was going to happen. The only one person she wanted to call her had not yet.

Her friend Michael. He had called a day or so ago telling her he was flying in for her trial. But she had not heard from him. To see if he was there in Texas or not. That he was going to make it.

She really wanted him there. As she got on her outfit she turned the tv on there in the bedroom. Michael was flashed on the news there. She gasped. He arrived in Texas.

Texas was bugging. He was the talk of the town. Butterflies rumble in her chest. She sees him going into his hotel. He smiles and waves at his fans as he goes in. He made it. He was going to the trial.

"Michael Jackson will not say exactly why he is visiting Texas but we welcome the king of pop here" the announcer says on the tv. Her phone rings there in her bedroom. She grabs the phone.

"Hello?" she answers and clicks off the tv.

"I am here. Sorry I was running late" Michael informs her.

"I am so glad you made it! I saw you on tv" giggles Selena. "everyone in Texas is hyped that you are here"

"I am happy to be here" he tells her. "I will meet you all at the trial" he promises her.

"Thank you for coming. It really means a lot that you came here for me" Selena tells him. "I mean that MJ"

"I would not be anywhere else Selena. See you all very soon" he says. "After we can get dinner together. All of us. And I would like to see the sketches you were telling me about" he reminds her.

She grins. "You would? Great!"

"See you soon" he says. "Good luck Selena"

"Thanks MJ. See you" she shyly answers before they hang up.

She breaths out. Now she felt better. He was going to be there.

"You look ten times better. See I told you if you ate breakfast you would be ready" Chris says as he enters the bedroom.

"You are right" she lies she gets up and hugs him.

"You ready for this? I mean everyone is talking about the trial" he says to her.

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