Chapter 8~Lawyers

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Chapter 8~Lawyers

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Chapter 8~Lawyers

Selena could not get Michael off her mind once she was back home. They were prepping her for the trail. She was sure Yolanda would get life in prison. They had to make sure of it.

They were going to meet with their lawyer she had hired after she had been shot and was in recovery at the hospital. Back to Michael.

He had been on her mind. He kept in touch with her. He had called every other day. Sweetly talking to her. Helping her handle the press. He was so good at it.

Chris had no idea how to deal with things of that nature. But Michael had before. His advice would really come in handy. Now here Selena was waiting in an office for her lawyer to arrive. Her father was with her.

She had her sketch book out. She was doodling some new clothing. She had Michael in mind. Would he wear her outfits if she did choose to go with him on tour?

Would he give her ideas a chance? It would really help her out. She had one outfit that was partly gold partly black. Like a uniform. For a solider.

Her father peers over her shoulder glancing down at the design.

"I don't think Chris would wear it" chuckles her dad. She blushes.

"It is not made for Chris dad" she explains as she taps her pencil on the pad of paper.

"Michael?" he asks her as he notices the glove on the man in her photo.

She nods. Then smiles.

"Are you thinking of taking the man up on his offer? Will you tour?" her father breaths out. He had a hopeful look on his face.

"I am thinking about it but do not get to hopeful. I was talking to Mike on the phone last night" she admits.

"Mike? On a first name basis. Things are getting serious. How does Chris feel about this new friendship?" her father worries.

She groans. "Dad we are friends that is all, okay? I love Chris. I am marrying Chris, okay? Nothing is going on with MJ and myself. He wants me on tour as bad as you and Chris do. So, be glad alright?" she angrily retorts.

"I am glad. He is a good friend. Listen to him" orders her father.

Someone comes in. A very tall gentleman. Wearing a professional black suit and navy tie. He had a mustache and black hair. She never saw him before. He had a few other gentlemen with him. He looked Italian.

"Hello, my name is Brian Cooperland. I am the lawyer that Mr. Jackson has sent to represent you for the up coming trail next week" he informs her as they shake hands.

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