Chapter 22~New Love!

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Chapter 22~New Love!

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Chapter 22~New Love!

Selena woke the next day in Michael's arms. She was avoiding her family as well as the press for the night. But now before the show it was going to be time to face the music as they say. Selena knew though that Michael was not going to allow her to face the music alone though. Selena yawns as she sits up in bed.

She glances over at Michael who was sleeping peacefully beside her. She loved that he trusted her to be in his room. He was such a private person. Here he was sleeping like a baby next to her. He looked so handsome as he rested. His chest breaths in then out. He did not even snore really like Chris did.

Most men did tend to snore through the night. She was not sure if she snored or not. The sun light peaked through the curtains.

They had moved her belongings into his room before the family over heard the news on the radio the night before. The guard would not let anyone in their room. So she liked that. Her family would have to wait on her. Answer to her. Thanks to MJ.

He yawns then stirs. His eyes peak open at her.

"Morning, Selena. How long have you been up babe?" he says as he sits up in bed.

"Not long" she answers with a yawn. "I do need coffee" she giggles. "and a shower. The concert is tonight. We do not have a guitar bass player" she mutters.

"I can lend you mine. Not a problem" he offers.

"But my family is not used to outsiders" she worries.

"They will be fine. I am sure once things blow over you and Chris could be friends again. Maybe he will want to come back to the band" he says.

"Doubt that" laughs Selena. "he always wanted his own band. Now he can spread his wings. He won't need me"

"Selena are you having second doubts about this? About us?" he worries.

"No Michael. Not at all. I know where love stands. And I want you and I love you" she softly reminds him. She presses her lips on his. "I do not want Chris back"

"I wanted to make sure is all" he answers.

She nods. "I am sure that is all that matters"

He smiles. "We better go talk to your dad" he sighs.

"I know" worries Selena. "he will be furious with me. This was how they found out I was engaged to Chris" she laughs.

"Is your father that scary to deal with? Do I have something to worry about" he laughs. She laughs to.

"No, dad is just over protective of me is all" says Selena. "All of us kids really"

"I see" he says.

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