I heard the door open and looked up, a doctor with a clipboard was standing there, he looked like he was smiling slightly. That must mean Harry was awake! Or at the very least woke up and went to sleep, I mean, it was must be good news though. I sat up and looked at the doctor, he didn't look that happy though, I didn't want there to be bad news.

"Hello, my name is doctor Andrews. I have good news and bad news about Harry," He said softly "He is up but very weak right now."

"And what is the bad news?" Anne asked and I glanced at her before looking at the doctor.

"It seems he had suffered some memory loss. We aren't sure what exactly he remembers, or who he remembers." Doctor Andrews said "He asked to see.. 'The one with a big bum.' after he sees his mum."

I felt everyone's eyes turn to me, my face turning bright red, of course Harry would say that. Even though he isn't well, his still trying to embarrass me, and it worked. I watched Anne stand up and follow the doctor, I could see the colour of Gemma's face returning, which was good. I finished drinking my tea and set the cup down, nervous about seeing Harry, knowing what had happened with him.

It scared me, I didn't know what I'd expect really, did Harry know all what he did the previous night? I didn't even wanna think about, I knew Harry wouldn't want to either, but how much did he remember? Maybe he had forgotten my name but not what I looked like, that's why he called me big bum, maybe he doesn't remember me or the boys. What if he didn't remember One Direction? Would the tour get cancelled?

I don't think management would let that happen, they'll probably just reteach him the songs, once his up for it that is. They hadn't called us since this morning, knowing there was nothing they could do, there wasn't much anyone could do. I sighed quietly and ruffled my hair, I heard the door open and looked over, Anne was back already. She looked a little upset, which wasn't good, I bit my lip and stood up.

Liam got up from his seat and went over to Anne, putting his arm around her, Liam always knew what to do. Anne reached over and squeezed my shoulder, giving me a sad look, Harry must have been in a bad state. I took a few deep breaths and headed towards the door, I looked at Niall and smiled softly at me, trying to get me to relax. I opened the door and stepped into the hallway, there were a few doctors but otherwise empty, not that it mattered.

I chewed on my bottom lip and walked down the hall, looking for Harry's room, which was only a few doors down. I took a deep breathed and reached out, grabbing the handle to the door, twisting it slowly. I gently pushed it open and looked around, taking a step inside the dimly lit room, which seemed depressing. I stepped inside and notice the hospital bed in the middle of the room, laying in it, was Harry.

I looked at him and felt my heart break, he looked so weak and broken, and very pale. I hated seeing him like this, it was something I never wanted to see again, ever. I chewed on my lip and stepped forward, not knowing what to do, Harry moved his head so he was looking at me. I gave him a soft smile and sat in the chair next to his bed, looking up at him nervous, wondering if I should speak first.

"Hey, um..." Harry croaked out and looked down at the back of his hand "Louis.. Right?"

"Yeah.. Don't worry if you can't remember. You just need rest," I said softly and gave him a warm smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Weak.. What happened?" Harry whispered, "No one knew so they couldn't tell.. T-they said I tried to-"

"You did try. But I got to your place with good timing." I said and looked at Harry, not mentioning the drunk calls.

Harry nodded weakly and looked at me, his green eyes lifeless, it made me upset to see. I had to do something, I couldn't leave him like this, he looked so weak and sad, Harry was my best friend. I looked down at my hands to think, I wasn't sure what to do, how could I help him? I know management doesn't want him left alone, here in the hospital, he'll be alright. But what about when he is discharged?

I wanted to protect him, I never wanted to see a sight like that again, not that I thought he'd try again. Harry never even seemed depressed, but he was always good at hiding things, for the most part anyways. I could always tell when he was really upset, but he didn't even seem upset, right now he looked angry at himself. Maybe because he couldn't remember, I felt horrible, there must be something I could do.

I had never seen Harry like this, so broken looking, it was hard to look at him. His right wrist was bandaged up to mid way, his curls lifeless, and his green eyes a dull looking colour. There was a bruise forming on his forehead, when the doctors asked about that, Zayn said he must have hit his head on the toilet. That's where I had found him near.

I jerked my head up when an idea popped into my head, it was perfect, Harry could come stay with me! Harry need a friend right now, and I knew Eleanor wouldn't mind, she'd understand. I chewed on my bottom lip and stared out the window, thinking of the best way to tell Harry, he might not like the idea of staying with me.

"Stop that. You'll bust your lip open," Harry croaked out. "Would you get me some water?"

"Yeah, 'course." I said and got up, grabbing a cup and going to the sink, "I've been thinking. Since you can't remember much, you should stay with me. I can teach you all our songs." I said and handed him the glass.

"Thanks.. What songs?" Harry asked and sipped the water before pulling a face of realisation "Oh, right. My mum told me about the um, band. Bit yeah, I guess I'll stay with you."

Harry went quiet and sipped his water, I swallowed thickly and stared down at my lap, he reallydidn't remember. I let out a shaky breath and ran a hand though my hair, feeling awkward, I heard the door open and turn around. It was a very cross looking nurse, I knew it was my time to leave, I stood up and gave Harry a quick hug.

I took a deep breath and headed towards the door, I knew I needed to help Harry, and I planned on doing that. I walked down the hall and into the waiting room, I needed to go home, there wasn't anything I could do now. I grabbed my jacket and began to put it on, Niall raised an eyebrow and I patted his shoulder, giving it a friendly squeeze. It was time for us to all go home, Harry was in good hands here, but I was coming back first thing tomorrow.


I needed to talk with Eleanor. . .





So what did you guys think? Are you liking the story? I hope you gus do. I'm trying my hardest.

If you didn't know by now I'm writing a sequel to The Cabin which will be posted in a few weeks time.


Katie xx

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