Thirty-Fourth Door

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"I was only making decisions that I believe are best for you!" Miranda screamed angrily.

"Not everything you do or say is right, and not every choice you make is right. Even if you are the village's priestess, you are not a God, and you have flaws of your own," she hissed. "I'm not sure I'd able to sleep in this house tonight," she said as she bolted out of the kitchen.

"Eve!" Miranda cried out, as she ran after her.

Miranda followed Clementine out of the kitchen, and Irish followed Miranda, and the two of them chased her down.

Miranda remarked, "Eve, please calm down and let's talk."

"No!" She screamed angrily. "I don't want to talk to you."

She came to a halt before the manor, where Miranda was standing with Irish, about to take a step out the door when she spoke.

"Don't follow me," she sniffled. "I don't want to talk to you. If you follow me, I swear you'll never hear from me again," she made a threat.

Miranda and Irish were just standing at the door watching her  when she started running away from the manor again.

"Are you sure you won't follow her? It's late, and she could be in danger," Irish remarked.

"Irish, she meant every word she spoke. I followed her the last time we had a dispute and she didn't speak to me for over two weeks; she can put up with me, and I don't want that to happen again," she let out a sigh. "I'll only leave my ravens to keep an eye on her rival tonight, and maybe we'll be able to talk in peace tomorrow."

Clementine dashed away from the manor as quickly as she could. She had no idea where she was right now, but all she wanted to do was get out of the manor tonight. She finally stopped running and her eyes widened when she noticed that she was in front of Alcina's castle. As she approached the castle's door, memories filled her thoughts, bringing with them a sense of nostalgia.

"How did I end up here?" She sneered. "I'm not supposed to be here."

She was going to move away from the door when it began to rain, splashing her with water. She returned to the entrance since there was enough roofing above it to keep her from getting wet. She was half-drenched from the downpour, and a sigh escaped her lips as she looked back at the closed door.

"Looks I don't have a choice," she said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

She walked over to the doorbell and pressed it in the hopes that someone would hear it at this hour.

Alcina was in the kitchen, drinking blood-tinged milk, and a smile appeared on her face. She couldn't sleep since she couldn't wait for tomorrow. As she finished her milk, she set the cup down and walked into the living room. She was already dressed in her nightgown, with a silk robe slung over her shoulders. When she arrived in the living room, she took a step up the stairs but came to a halt when the doorbell rang.

"Who could it be?" She questioned herself.

Alcina came up to the main entrance and opened it; her eyes startled as she found Clementine standing there, dressed in her pajamas but half-soaked and without footwear; she stared at the woman's eyes and saw red puffy eyes that indicated crying.

"Clementine? What are you doing here at this time of the night?" She pressed her lips. "Come in, you're getting wet from the rain," she said as she pushed open the door.

Alcina closed the door behind Clementine as she entered the castle. They both proceeded to the living room, where they came to a halt.

She let out a sigh. "Can I spend the night here?"

Behind the Castle's Door [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz